Chapter 8

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Halimatu Sadiya (Momma)'s pov

I woke up in the morning around 7am  excited that my baby is finally coming back.

I took a hot bath and got dressed in a blue Bubu lace and wore my cap then descended the stairs to the kitchen.

I started by cooking my baby's favorite food which is 'Sinasir and stew' I then made a her all time favorite chocolate cake. I called unto Hajiya Safa who is the head maid of the house to run some errands for me.

"Hajiya Da'a have they bought the chocolates and pringles I sent for" I asked cause I know it's one of my baby's favorite.

"Yes ma. It's in her room. It has been swept and mopped. It has also been refurnished" she completed.

"Ok thank you" I said dismissing her.
She shot me a smile and turned to leave.

"Anyi Zobo'n neh" I asked.

"Eh Anyi"she said. I waved her away as she stood up from where she was squatted and left.

I took my phone and dialed hanan's number we talked for 5minute then I ended the call.

After I finished talking my eyes were fixed to the carpet when I heard movement's from beside me.

I turned around to see my Husband. To be frank I was angry at him all those while for getting my daughter married to a random someone. But that was what Allah wrote to happen so I am nobody to deny it.

"Alhaji" I said with a  smung smile.

"Halima, Please Forgive this poor man" He pleaded.

"Alhaji........what have you done? I asked knowing fully what he was talking about.

"I am sorry I never gave you the chance to speak about the matter. I am sorry for being a cruel Husband and father" he plead.

Ibrahim.......Ai She is not my daughter alone, she is your daughter too." I said.

"I was blinded by trying to protect my only daughter from what the world would throw at her......but I ended up ruining her life"he said.

"It's okay Alhaji that was what Allah wrote for her" I said.

"That boy and his family will regret what they did.....After I gave them my daughter and billions of dollars,they decided to cheat and run away" he said.

"Now what" I asked.

"We still have their child in jail. They will come to rescue him sooner or later"he said.

"Tohh ittagullaha" I said fixing my eyes on the tv.

After the apology. We both went back to being just the way we were before the whole marriage thing.

Alhaji Adam Aliyu (Baba)'s pov

Right now, the word that can describe what am feeling is disappointment.

I was and will still be disappointed in that boy bilyamin. I entrusted him with my daughter and he chose to play with my trust. I don't even know how to start talking talk more of facing her.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I know they might be close to landing to Adamawa.

I thank God that her brother was at her rescue.

I gathered all the courage and head to Halima's Chamber with a heavy heart to apologize.

As I got in, All the maids were doing their activities as they paused and greeted me to which I just nod and head to her sitting room.

Thank goodness she was there.I saw her drop her phone and then she had her eyes fixed on only what Allah knows.

I salamed and entered,then I sat down next to her on the two sitter couch before she finally noticed me.

"Alhaji" she said with a smung smile.

"Halima,please forgive this poor Man" I pleaded.

"Alhaji.......what have you done"she asked.

"I am sorry I never gave you the chance to speak about the matter. I am sorry for being a cruel husband and father" I said.

"Ibrahim.......Ai She is not my daughter alone, she is your daughter too." She said.

"I was blinded by trying to protect my only daughter from what the world would throw at her......but I ended up ruining her life" I said.

"It's okay Alhaji that was what Allah wrote for her" She said.

"That boy and his family will regret what they did.....After I gave them my daughter and billions of dollars,they decided to cheat and run away" I said.

"Now what" She asked.

"We still have their child in jail. They will come to rescue him sooner or later" I said.

"Tohh ittagullaha" She said fixing my eyes on the tv.

After the apology. We both went back to being just the way we were before the whole marriage thing.

We spoke for an hour before I left to my chamber to freshen up.

Hanan's pov

We landed just 20 minutes ago and we are waiting for other passengers to gown before it's our turn.

When it was our turn, we went down and headed to where we'll get our trolley When I stepped out the sun of Adamawa hitting my face making me close my eyes and suck in some breath.

We walked to where the cars where parked. Baba sent two cars to get us.

Ya Fazzah and Ya Abdul got into First car while me and Triple A got into the last car after keeping my trolley in the car trunk.

We got into the car and zoomed off to our home.

Many preparations were made for our return and everyone was happy to see me but sad about what happened.

Many relatives came and just a little were absent.

My mate cousins were also here, we gisted for as long as we could and only stood up when it was time to pray or when one of us had to before they left leaving us in our empty house.

The night came and all the family including Ummi,Hajiya,Mama,me and all my siblings were seated in Baba's sitting room.

We talked for about three hours before Yaya and Ya isa announced their leave. While we continued till it was 11pm when we all retired to our rooms Mama,Hajiya, and ummi left for their apartment leaving momma in Baba's side.


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