Chapter 34.

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The sun beat down on my face as I watched my plan unfold from a distance. I didn't think any of this would work, and for a moment, my plan seemed to be going south.

I had managed to get a meeting with the U.S. Attorney on the phone. Potter and Patterson were in the room drawing up my deal as I told them everything I knew during my time with Galindo. I thought it'd be simple to meet with the CIA afterward, but the U.S. Attorney had dropped the RICO case before I could get to them.

So, as a last resort, I ratted on the two men who brought me to Galindo. I didn't know either of their names, but Potter hated them enough to take my description and identify them. Romeo Parada and Luis Torres had visited the compound on numerous occasions. Talking with Galindo like any of his other hired men, but until today, I wasn't aware that their connection with the CIA had put limitations on exactly what tasks they could complete for Galindo. And now that Galindo was dead, so was their power over SAMCRO.

Opie could hardly believe his ears when I told him the good news, because this meant that we could take care of our little CIA problem without a hiccup. However, we both agreed that it was still too risky to do anything to Luis and Romeo ourselves, so Opie came up with another plan. One that would put Romeo and Luis with a power they couldn't sway.

Opie contacted Clay and had him convince Galen O'Shay to meet with him. Galen showed up only a few minutes ago with Romeo and Luis already there waiting for him. Clay looked visibly nervous because I had a feeling that he knew the truth about Romeo and Luis's identity. But seeing as he's been ostracized by SAMCRO, he really had no say in the matter.

No one else from SAMCRO had shown up, but Opie assisted me in watching from a distance. I didn't mind the company, because this was unmarked territory for me. I was just there to make sure the plan went through, and Opie was here to avenge his father's murder.

I knew that there would be bloodshed, and I watched in anticipation as the FBI slowly started to surround the group. They hadn't noticed a thing yet until Romeo drew his gun and started to shoot at Galen and the IRA. It was a surprising turn of events, even for Opie who cursed under his breath.

It didn't take long for the FBI to surround them and have whoever was left alive lay on the ground. My heart was beating fast as I looked at the crime scene, and Opie pulled me close to shield me from the scene. Sherriff Roosevelt was with us and even he watched in amazement at what had just happened.

"Looks like your plan worked," Opie said low enough for me to hear.

"Yeah, I'd hate to see what would happen if it didn't," I said looking at the scene with wide eyes.

Opie nodded in agreement, and he looked over at Roosevelt who finally gave us the okay to leave. Jax had been trying to reach me all night, and Roosevelt had even let me know that he tried to file a missing person's report after a few hours. I smiled at that, and my heart swelled at the thought of going home to him. I missed him already and all I wanted to do was hold him tight and feel his arms wrapped around me.

"You know Jax is going to kill me when he finds out I helped you with this," Opie mentioned.

I smiled wide at Opie, "Oh c'mon, I know you had fun with me."

Opie rolled his eyes, "I think our ideas of fun are vastly different Ari. My kind of fun doesn't involve this much law enforcement."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, that sounds boring," I teased. Opie sucked his teeth and nudged my shoulder before throwing his arm over my shoulders to bring me close. One could argue that we'd become closer after this little stunt.

"Thanks, Ari," Opie said while stopping our walk and looking at me sincerely, "We honestly couldn't do any of this without you. And I know you've heard this about a million times, but I'm sorry for everything."

I gave Opie a small smile, appreciating the sincerity of his apology. It was about time that we turned over a new leaf because we couldn't keep replaying the past, we simply had to move forward.

"And if it's any consolation, I fully support you and Jax leaving."

My eyebrows raised in surprise, "Really? What changed your mind?"

Opie licked his lips as he contemplated his answer. "You," he answered. "Watching you go through everything really puts things into perspective. As the man, you never really think about the effects your actions have on your old lady until you see it from the outside looking in."

"So, does this mean that Donna and I will be neighbors?"

Opie rolled his eyes, "Now why would I want to do that? It's bad enough that you guys live so close now. I'd never see my wife!"

I sucked my teeth, "I don't even know why I'm asking you; I know we're going to live next to each other," I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah?" Opie challenged, "I think you might want to run this idea by your husband first." Opie stopped me from walking by placing his large hands on my shoulder and turned my attention to Jax who was sitting on his Harley waiting patiently for me.

My mouth slowly fell open and I looked at Opie in disbelief. "How did he know we were here?" I whispered, still in shock at seeing him.

"Who do you think called off his search party?" Opie chuckled before giving me a nudge in Jax's direction. I slowly made my way over to Jax, because I was full-on expecting him to freak out at me for doing this. But the closer I got to him; I could see that he looked like he'd been crying.

I reached out for him and before my hand could meet his Kutte, he pulled me in for a tight hug. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around me. The hug was so tight that it was almost hard to breathe, but I attempted to hug him back with the same amount of force.

"What were you thinking, baby?" he asked when he pulled away.

"I was thinking of a way to protect my family," I said, parroting his previous statements.

Jax smiled, "You just couldn't let me have this could you?"

I looked at him seriously, "Look, we're going to have the rest of our lives for you to make this up to me. You don't get to make those kinds of decisions without my input. Not now, not ever."

"Yes ma'am," he said dragging out the word with his California charm. I rolled my eyes and pulled him close for a kiss, and he eagerly met my lips with the same level of want. The kiss said everything we were too afraid to admit out loud. I almost lost you. Words that neither of us could bear to say at this time because the reality had been too real.

"I love you, Jax," I said forcing the words out of my mouth and past my aching throat.

Jax rubbed his thumb over my cheek, capturing a tear I hadn't realized had fallen. "I love you too Darlin. Even when you hated me, I loved you."

My eyebrows drew together, curious as to how he was still able to do such a thing. "Why did you love me even then? Would if I had never forgiven you? What if things never settled between us?"

"That's okay, I love you even when you hate me because I'll take any emotion that comes from you. As long as you promise to never stop feeling them when it comes to me."


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