Chapter 30.

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It wasn't often that I woke up without Jax next to me, but when he did have to leave in the morning, he always left a note. This morning, however, Jax was nowhere to be found, and he didn't leave a note, didn't send a text, nor did he call me. It was strange considering that I usually always found him making a cup of coffee or rocking Olivia before I woke up, but this morning he hadn't even bothered to wake me before he went.

I tried not to be bothered by it and just figured that the club needed him. But had it been an emergency, he would have sent Gemma or Donna here to help me. Instead, it seemed like he decided to just go off on his own.

So, I did the only thing that I could think of, I went about my day until I couldn't. I took care of my kids, I cooked, I cleaned, I even phoned Donna. She talked with me as usual and didn't bring Jax up at all. I figured that if something went wrong she'd know, but she seemed fine, just as in the dark as I was.

To make matters worse, Opie was home today, and she told me he was finally getting to the little projects she wanted done around the house. Neither of them seemed like they were in a panic, so I didn't want to start freaking out and go on a manhunt when everyone seemed so normal. Opie was Jax's best friend and vice president, if anything was wrong with Jax that I didn't know about, he would be the next in line for information.

Gemma also hadn't called or come to check on me and the kids. I didn't want to call her, because I didn't want her to worry, especially if there wasn't anything to worry about. Gemma would have also been the first to call me if she found out something, so I allowed those facts to ease my mind. Jax wouldn't do anything stupid, and the club would know if he was planning something.

However, as the day went on, I found myself worrying even more. I was standing by the phone waiting to hear something, and I was just itching to ask someone if they'd seen my husband. But there was another part of me that didn't want to bother anyone yet. It was only the afternoon, and Jax had only been gone for a couple of hours, what sense did it make to alert everyone when I couldn't even file a missing person report?

I tried calling Jax over and over, and each time it went straight to voicemail. My worry was beginning to turn into anger, and I was beginning to think the worst. I didn't want to think the worst of Jax, but I knew he'd recently visited Tara. A part of me was secure in my relationship, and I believed the words Jax said to me. But then there was that little voice in my head questioning the possibility of an affair. Would Jax truly go back to her after everything we'd been through? Did he realize that he still wanted Tara after seeing her again? I tried to push these thoughts out of my head, but they didn't feel like impossibilities, and that made me sick to my stomach.

Thankfully, a knock at the door pulled me back to reality before I had the chance to wallow in despair. I assumed it was one of the three stooges; Wendy, Donna, or Gemma. They always liked to come over and we'd chat while the kids played. But the longer it took me to get to the door, the harder the person knocked, and that's when it dawned on me that it couldn't be any of them.

I slowly opened the door and revealed someone I thought I'd never have to encounter again, Tara. She was fuming when I opened the door, and she was about to bang on the door again had I not opened it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a bit of coldness in my tone.

Tara scoffed and burned bright red with anger. "You're a real piece of work, y'know that?!" I was taken aback by her words, especially since I hadn't done anything to her.

"Excuse me?" I said with a confused expression on my face.


I blinked a few times as I tried to make out what Tara was saying through her yelling. She was yelling so loud that I was having a hard time processing her words.

"What are you talking about? Where's Jax?"

Tara crossed her arms over her chest and scoffed. "I saw him at the police station talking to the U.S. Attorney, while you sit here and do nothing for your family." Tara shook her head, "Is this your way of trying to get back at him? Let him sit in a cell for a couple of months so that you can even the score?"

My head was beginning to spin as she went on and on. Finding out from Tara that Jax was turning himself in was making me dizzy. Especially since she believed that I had sent him there and was directing her anger at me.

"Are you sure about what you saw?" I asked.

Tara took offense to the question, "Yes, I'm sure, and I'm going to do something about it since you won't!" Tara turned on her heel and walked toward her car. I slammed the door as soon as I could and ran toward the phone. I scrambled with who to call, so I phoned anyone who would pick up the phone. Thankfully, Opie answered and so did Gemma. Gemma was willing to watch the kids for me while Opie took me down to the station.

I couldn't even process what to do next as I ran around the house in a panic. The kids were in front of the TV, and I fought to keep my emotions hidden from them because I knew I was just minutes away from becoming hysterical.

I knew that Jax promised me that things would change and that he'd do anything for our family, but I never thought he'd turn himself in. I was pleased that he didn't go behind my back and let Tara be around Abel, but I also wished he talked to me before going to the police.

I knew we didn't have a lot of options, so that's probably why he felt like this was for the best. But I couldn't help but feel guilty for being unwilling to talk to the CIA. I could have said anything to them, and they'd eat it up, but I was too afraid and now my husband is taking the fall for everything.

I was fighting with so many different emotions, but the primary one was guilt. I wanted Jax to be in this family so that we could be together and raise our children. Yes, I wanted that life to be outside of Charming, but Charming or not, I wanted Jax more than any location. We've gone through so much together that I refuse to believe that this is the end for us. Our story cannot end here. 

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