Chapter 28.

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I took a deep breath before knocking on the door to Tara's motel room. It didn't take long for the guys to find out where she was staying, and there was a part of me that wished it had. I didn't want to do this, but the stern look on Opie's face told me that there was no turning back now.

I was hoping that she would have left Charming by now; she was always so eager to leave. But I knew what her car looked like, and I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw it parked out front. Figures that the one time I want her to leave is the one time she chooses to stay.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I said to Opie while holding my fist up in midair. "Jax, you haven't even knocked yet," Opie pointed out.

"Yeah, and what if I do and she says no? Or what if she starts screaming and throws something at me?"

Opie rolled his eyes, "Well knock on the door anyway, I'd love to see a show."

"Dude," I said sucking my teeth at him.

Opie groaned, "Look, it's not like she's going to run to you with open arms, she probably hates you if we're being honest. But the truth of the matter is, we need her, the club needs her. And as the president you must do what's necessary."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at him. "Aren't you the vice president, why can't you do it?"

"Stop stalling and knock on the damn door already!" Opie shoved his way past me and banged on the door three times. I scolded him because it sounded like he was trying to break in rather than be polite.

"Will you knock it off?! Do you want her to think she's getting arrested?" Opie grunted and shot me a bored look. He didn't want to be here anymore than I did, but he knew that I would never have the guts to do this on my own.

I finally was able to knock, and I made sure to be courteous unlike some people around here. However, Tara hadn't come to the door at all, and I was starting to think that this was all just one big mistake.

"I don't think she's here."

"Then where is she? Isn't that her car out front?!" Opie was frustrated. He had to deal with Romeo and Luis in my absence, and I know he was stressed out. We'd all been to jail plenty of times, it came with the territory of being an outlaw. But Opie had done five years, and I know the thought of going back inside and leaving Donna with the kids again freaked him out.

"I don't know where she is, but she's clearly not inside. Maybe she carpooled with her coworkers or something," I suggested, but I didn't believe that. It was clear that Tara was inside, she was just avoiding me. Which made sense since the last time we talked I blew up at her. "Look, why don't you get a hold of Juice and ask him to check the hospital? I'll stay here until she turns up."

Opie gave me a look, obviously not buying the idea of me willing to stay and wait for Tara. However, I shot him the same look back and encouraged him to leave anyway.

Once I was alone, I gave another light knock on Tara's door. Only this time I saw the blinds move just a tad to indicate that someone was inside.

I inhaled a deep breath and looked down at my ring, suddenly thinking about Ari and what she went through. I also began to think about my daughter who would grow up to find love one day, and I instantly knew that I didn't want anyone treating her this way.

"Hey, sorry to come here like this, I'm probably the last person you want to see right now. I know I have no right to show my face here after what I said, and I just want you to know that I'm really sorry. And if it's worth anything to you, I'm grateful for everything you did when we were together. I didn't deserve your love or your kindness."

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