Chapter 9.

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"Would anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on?" I barked at Luis and Romeo. Both men looked at each other before responding to me, and their calm attitudes were doing nothing for my mood. "What are the feds and the CIA doing in Charming?"

"You don't know?" Luis tilted his head, his tone mocking me.

"I don't think I would have called you if I knew," I said while glaring at him.

Romeo let out a sigh and took his sunglasses off his face. "I would have thought you'd be happy about this."

"Happy about what?" I was confused and frustrated, and I wanted them to just come out and say it.

"Arielle was airlifted to St. Thomas a couple of days ago. Did no one try to contact you?"

I stared back at Romeo like he had grown an extra head. "What do you mean Arielle was airlifted to St. Thomas? What Arielle? MY ARIELLE?!"

"Yes, Arielle Teller, your wife. Do you know someone else by that name?" Romeo seemed irritated that I didn't know any of this, but I was in too much shock to care.

"Is she okay? What happened? Did Galindo hurt her?" I leaned up against the wall to keep my legs from giving out, because I didn't think I could hold my weight.

"Galindo was murdered, Jax, and his home in Sonora, Mexico was raided. Arielle was transferred to Charming because she was attacked while on the compound. The CIA felt that it was necessary to remove her because of the conflict between her and Galindo's wife. They also felt that the child—"

"What child? She has a kid by him?!"

"Did anyone try to contact him at all?" Luis looked at Romeo with an annoyed expression, but Romeo ignored it.

"No, the child was proven not to be related to Galindo. You are the father of Arielle's baby, we used your mother's DNA to establish paternity."

"My mom? That doesn't make sense. When did she do that?" The question wasn't directed at them, but I needed to say it out loud to understand. My mom wouldn't keep something this big away from me, or at least I never thought she would.

"They called your mother, Gemma Teller-Morrow, to the hospital to establish paternity. From what my sources say, she was there the day that Arielle got discharged."

My mouth fell slightly open as I realized what was happening right underneath my nose. My mom has been extremely distant lately and hasn't been around the house. I initially thought that she and Tara had a fight, but now that I think about it, my mom was not someone who backed down from a fight. She would have made some kind of noise by now, but she's been quieter than a church mouse.

Romeo read my face and looked over at Luis, "Look son, you better bury whatever it is you're feeling because that's not all."

"What else?" I asked with a hint of irritation in my voice. By this point, I didn't care about anything, and all I wanted to do was find my mother and confront her.

"The CIA is threatening to give RICO the greenlight."

"What? Why? I did everything you asked me to!"

"We know that, but the CIA wants to have a sit down with Arielle and see what she knows. They believe that Galindo shared some confidential information with her and that she might even know who killed him."

"Okay, and why didn't you guys ask her yourself? What does she have to do with my club?"

"Nothing, but Arielle is refusing to talk. They are using RICO as leverage to see if she'll talk since you and her share a son together."

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