- Don't remind me - Anthony groaned - I was supposed to finish these yesterday, but I was really tired so I ended up sleeping. I'm going to try to finish them today.

- I see. But where in God's name, did so many papers come from?

- Bureaucracy now that I'm the new viscount. And many, many problems to solve. But I'm  sure it's just a phase.

- I hope so. Because this is too much work for just one man.

- I can handle it.

- I know you can. But you seem so exhausted. Besides...- Belle took a deep breath, than circling the desk and walking to the sofa to sit next to Anthony she said - Meals haven't been the same without you and your mom. Your siblings and I...We miss you Anthony.

- Mother still doesn't leave her room? - Anthony asked, with a both worried tone and facial expression.

- No, she doesn't. Your father passed away a month ago and I still haven't seen your mother since the day of the funeral. I tried to visit her several times but she simply doesn't accept any "visitors". To give you an idea, she's not even going to breastfeed Hyacinth anymore.

- I see.

- I'm really worried about her. Mrs.Wilson said that she lost a lot of weight because she hasn't been eating right. She doesn't embroider anymore, she doesn't read anymore, all she does is sit and stare at the window all day.

Oh my God. Anthony knew his mother was going through a very difficult time. The last time he had visited her, about two weeks ago, she didn't seem well at all. She just cried and cried uncontrollably. She just screamed and called Edmund constantly.
  His visit was really short, as he simply couldn't bear to see (and hear) his mother like that. Not only because he felt very sorry for his mother, but also because every sob, every scream, every time his' mother called Edmund's name, it reminded him of the most unfortunate day of his' life - when his father had left the world because of a miserable little bee. Every time he saw his mother, a bunch of realistic flashbacks would start terrorize his head. He felt like he went back to that day. And visiting back that memory destroyed him, every single time.
   But if Violet really was the way Belle had said, he needed to go see his mother immediately, no matter what the cost. No matter how it would damage Anthony internally. He could no longer postpone this visit.

- Why don't you join us in a stroll?

Anthony, who was currently wandering in the world of his' own thoughts, asked, apparently coming back to reality:
- What?

- I'm going to stroll with Hyacinth today in the gardens. I was asking if you wanted to come.

- Thank you for the invitation, but as you saw I have too much work to do - The Viscount said quickly, getting up from the sofa, and walking towards his desk.

-Oh please Anthony. It will be quick; I promise! My strolls with Hyacinth never last more than half an hour.

- Belle...

- Please. It will be great to relax your mind, being in contact with nature and everything. Besides this is a great opportunity for you to spend time with your sister.

- I'm sure that I will have plenty of other opportunities to spend time with Hyacinth.

- Come on! She is your sister Anthony, and still you haven't visited her once since your father died.

- And how can you be so sure of that? - The Lord of the Bridgerton household asked, not taking his' eyes away from the paper he was signing - It's not like you spend 24 hours a day next to her.

When we were young // Anthony Bridgerton Where stories live. Discover now