Chapter 7

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Belle woke up that day with Daisy, coming into her room to wake her up and help with her hair and clothes.

- Good morning, Belle - The short blonde politely greeted the brunette, opening up the baby blue curtains of her room

- Good morning, Daisy - the Whitmore girl greeted, her voice still raspy with sleep.

- I heard you're going in a trip to the waterfall with his' lordship. So, although you like to keep your hair loose, just today, I highly suggest a tied hair.

- Well thought - Belle remarked, walking off the bed and sitting on the vanity's chair - You're the boss.

Daisy chuckled at the girl's wit. In the end, both of them opted for a simple, low bun, and over it a lavender hat, which matched perfectly with the lavender dress that the blonde had chosen. Boots, of course, and just a simple amethyst earring and a simple necklace with the same stone. Belle then thanked the girl for her services, and headed down to the drawing room, where she knew the three Bridgerton's boys would be.
  And she was right. Benedict sat in an Armchair sketching something, while Anthony and Colin were sat in a little round table chatting about something that she couldn't quite understand what it was.
- Good Morning Bridgerton's.

- Good Morning - the three of them greeted in unison.

- Y'all waiting for breakfast? - Belle inquired as she sat next to Benedict.

- Yes, I believe it will be served in a few moments - The second born Bridgerton answered, not taking his' eyes away from his' sketchbook.

Noticing the boy's fixation with the notebook, Belle curiously looked at what he was drawing. He was painting the fruit bowl that rested on a table. But she gasped because the drawing looked simply amazing. It was very neat, perfect in the smallest details. She always knew that he was talented, but still, the beauty of the drawing amazed her.
- Wow, this looks pretty good Benedict!

- Well, thank you Bells. But it's just a sketch. It's not perfect yet. I have a long way to reach the level that I want.

- Well, for me it looks perfect. You're really talented Benedict.

- Thank you, I...

Anthony then interrupted Belle and Benedict's interruption, by asking:
- So, are you joining us today in the trip to the waterfall, Belle?

Belle then looked at him with an "you've got to be kidding me" face, then she answered:
- Yes, I said it yesterday in dinner, Anthony.

- Yes, um...I had forgotten.

- Have you forgotten or you simply cannot stand Belle interacting with someone that isn't... - Benedict started to say, but a peach thrown in his head by Anthony interrupted his speech - Ouch!

- Anthony! - Belle scolded the jealous Bridgerton.

And it seemed that today was Anthony's lucky day, because soon after, his' mother entered the Drawing Room announcing that breakfast was already being served on the dining room.

- We better go before Eloise eats all the blueberry muffins - Benedict said, before he quickly stood up, and gallantly offering his' hand for her to take he asked -  May I escort you to the dining room, Miss Whitmore?

- It would be my honor, Mr.Bridgerton - she softly said, gracefully grabbing his' hand and getting up from her seat.

Then she locked her arm with his' and they exited the drawing room chuckling, and a Benedict sent a wink to his' brother, making him clench his' fists in rage. He wouldn't let anyone steal his' girl, specially not his' younger brother.
    Anthony then, as expected, followed behind them with a grumpy expression on his' handsome face. Then he had an idea. He pushed passed Colin, and quickly arrived in the dining room, just before the friendly couple. Then he patiently waited in front of the door, and when Belle and Benedict were about to pass through the door frame, Anthony asked, with a charming smile gracing his' lips:
- Ma Belle, may I escort you to your seat? After all, your place is right next to mine. I insist.

When we were young // Anthony Bridgerton Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant