Chapter 16

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The days following her birthday party had lots of fun, like every other day at the Bridgerton's country house (when it wasn't raining). At least it was like that for most people; but apparently not for Belle. Anthony noticed that the girl looked very thoughtful these last few days. She walked around the house with a facial expression that he knew was one of concern. There was obviously something bothering her, but he didn't know exactly what it was. And no matter how much he asked her, she would always say it was nothing. But there was no point on insisting on this, because he knew that she would hardly open up to talk what was the problem. Instead, Anthony decided to peacefully eat his' breakfast with his' family and their guests.
- So, William, how are your studies going? I heard you have a new mentor. John Bolton, right? - Edmund Bridgerton asked, applying a thick layer of strawberry jam in his' scones

- John Dalton, Sir - William politely corrected, and with a proud smile he continued to say - And being mentored by him has being an extraordinary experience. We have been studying the possibility of the existence particle, the smallest of all! Indivisible, indestructible and...

Then a voice interrupted William's speech. It was Humboldt, entering the dinner room.
- Excuse me Milord, there's a man outside requesting an audience with you, sir. He claims to be Lord Charles Gaultier. Should I let him in?

- Oh, of course. Let him in, Humboldt.

- Perfectly Milord - Nodded Humboldt, who bowed his head before leaving the room to receive the unusual visitor

- Who is this man, Edmund? - A curious Violet softly asked as she poured tea for herself and her daughter Daphne, who was sitting next to her.

- He's one of our land neighbors, I met him while hunting, two weeks ago. I had never been to those parts, but there is an extraordinary collection of animals to hunt on his land.

- That sounds amazing father. In fact, I would really appreciate a good hunt today.

- So would I son - Viscount Bridgerton nodded, looking at his' first born who was in his' right side - Let's hope he invites us to a hunt on his' lands today.

     Humboldt then came back accompanied by  a man who appeared to be in his mid 60s. He was short and had a large, upturned nose, and the little hair that he had, had a shimmering gray color, just like silver. He was bearing a big smile, that exposed all his teeth - and honestly that wasn't the most delightful view for mealtime - after all, his teeth looked like, correction, they were completely rotten.

- Bridgerton! It's great to see you again!

- The same goes to you, Gaultier! - Belle's Godfather said, as he got up from his' chair to greet the guest - It's a pleasure to see you again

- Yes, Yes - The old man agreed, and after nodding his head to the people at the table, and taking a good look at the different breakfast options on the table, he asked, pointing to a particular pastry - Excuse me. Those are fresh blueberry muffins?

A little bit surprised with the Baron's question, the Viscount confirmed.
- Yes, they are.

- Would you like to join us for Breakfast, Lord Gaultier? - Violet, the lady of the house, politely interjected.

- Well, since you insist - The short man declared, before sitting at the table next to Eloise, who didn't seem at all happy with the idea of having a stranger eating the blueberry muffins, which were made especially for her by the Bridgerton house chef.

As she knew her daughter very well, Violet Bridgerton quickly mouthed to her second born daughter "Behave and share those muffins", and what she received back was a "Eloise doesn't share food!" from her daughter.

When we were young // Anthony Bridgerton Where stories live. Discover now