Chapter 13

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Hannah was very tired from the trip, so she decided to take a nap before the party. Belle then sent Violet, who was in the ballroom organizing everything, to bed (since she was in the final stages of her pregnancy and shouldn't have to exert much effort) and decided to finish organizing things for her 18th birthday.
- The bouquets arrived miss.

- You can call me Belle if you want, Marie. There's no need for formalities - The brunette said, before taking one of the vases in the maid's hands, and passing her fingers analyzed them - They are beautiful, but if you can make them a little bigger that would be great. And also add some roses please. It can be from the same color palette, the pinkish tones. And I think some lilac will compliment it well too. Thank you very much, Marie.

She then bowed her head and left. Belle then went back to her clipboard and ticked the topic "flowers".
- How did I know that you would be here commanding the ship?

She then turned around again to see the owner of the voice.
- Hey - Belle greeted, cracking a smile.

- Hey. It's getting pretty good here - Anthony complimented, looking around - You did a fine job, Belle.

- Yes, the ballroom really is looking amazing. Although I can't take credit alone. Your mom and specially the servants did most of the stuff. Violet it's just not here now because I practically forced her to go to bed for a while. She is about to give birth, she needs to rest and not exert too much effort.

- Well, my mother is not quite fond of staying still. Just like someone I know. Someone that is restless from birth.

Belle pretend that she didn't knew that Anthony was talking about her.
- And who this person might be?

- It's a beautiful girl who's turning eighteen today - The first born Bridgerton started with a playful smirk - And she also happens to be one of the best Pall Mall players of the world, losing only for me of course.

The Whitmore girl then rolled her eyes before reminding him:
- In case you have forgotten I was the one who won the game the other day.

- But who said that this person is you? - he chuckled, crossing his' arms into his' chest.

- Yes, you know what, you're right - The Birthday girl "admitted", after realizing that arguing with him at the moment wasn't worth it, and remembering that she really had a lot to do.

Anthony faked a gasp.
- Who are you and what have you done to Belle?  - Anthony teased, following her as she now inspected the flower bands that would be strung near where the band would stand - Because my Belle absolutely never admits when she's wrong.

She couldn't help but chuckle at Anthony's wit, then she playfully elbowed him before saying:
- Well, just so you know, in the rare occasions that it occurs, I have no problem to admit I'm wrong.

- Not even you believe in this - he said, lifting up his' eyebrows. His perfect eyebrows. So perfect, without a single hair outside its place. It even looked like he actually did his eyebrows, just like a young lady.

- Anthony, you came all this way just to pester me? - The birthday girl inquired, impatiently - Because I really have a lot to do. I still have to see how the things are going in the kitchens, remember the chef to make chocolate and vanilla cupcakes because William likes chocolate and my mother and Nicholas prefer vanilla flavored cupcakes. Make sure there are some blueberry muffins for Eloise too. Then I have to get the chairs for the band, see if the food is prepared and then see the flowers....

- BO-RING! Come on Belle, it's your birthday! We should be doing something fun!

- Like what for example? - The debutant-to-be interrogated, not taking her eyes away from her clipboard.

When we were young // Anthony Bridgerton Where stories live. Discover now