Diary 📖 III

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Klaus was sitting alone in his room... On his bed was Cami's body still covered with a white sheet.. Tomorrow will be the real announcement, she has left him.. Tomorrow he will put her in his grave with a part of himself and a part of his happiness_which will never be complete no matter what happens_ will be buried with her.. Yesterday, next to the fountain, where he held her on his chest, taking her last breath, and with them she took a part of his heart.. A part of him died with her yesterday... He went to his solace, bring his journal of his confessions to her.. He opened it, then pulled out his pen to write with a trembling hand.

My darling Camille

I finally had the courage to call you my love.. To be open about my feelings for you.. I am no longer afraid to admit I have great feelings for you.. I laugh at those words now, do you know why? Because, ironically, you are no longer around so that I would be afraid someone would find out about my feelings for you and harm you in retaliation.. And I was right in my fear, Camille.. My feelings for you were the reason for your end.. I admit I was always terrified of my feelings for you, Camille.. But it was fear of a special kind I had never experienced before.. It was a delicious fear mixed with intense anticipation for every moment I spend with you.. Then yesterday, in our last moments together, there was a completely different kind of fear.. A fear that was killing me,Cami, slowly suffocating me, and wrapping around my heart like a poisonous snake.. The horror of losing you was the worst kind of horror.. It was a hundred times greater than my fear of Mikael.. I experienced losing you once and I thought at that time you were gone forever.. And the pain I felt at that time was great.. A pain I know now that I will live with forever... And I have to find a way to live with it because I don't think I will ever adapt to it.. There will always be a painful hole in my heart, will never heal.. Then there was a whole new kind of fear.. It was a fear of looking into your eyes, Camille.. I  feared that if I looked into your eyes, you will be able to see how much your death breaks me.

His vision was distorted due to the tears that condensed inside his eyes.. He broke the pen into two pieces and closed the notebook violently.. Putting his face in his hands, he tried to restore his heartbeat to normal.. Its balance was disturbed as a result of the wave of agony that swept over it.. Her death succeeded in doing what many before her had failed to do.. Klaus Mikaelson, the terrifying monster, has become just a broken man, defeated by time.

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