"Why are you here? Have you come to cause more harm? You really want to get Becky killed, don't you?!" Jane said in an angry tone.

"Oh shut up Jane" I muttered.

"What exactly have you done to Becky that she's like this? Huh? Answer me!" Jane continued.

"Becky I'm sorry but I have to go now" Freen said in a low tone.

I hate to admit but it's actually best that she leaves now. It's getting toxic for her and leaving is the best. These two will continue saying hurtful words to her if she stays. I nodded weakly and hugged her goodbye. Somehow it breaks my heart that she's leaving. I was hoping she would spend the night with me before these two ruined everything.

As soon as Freen left, Jane turned to me and started ranting as always. She talked about my family, her family and how disappointed they would be. What about me? Didn't they think how disappointed I would be too when I finally find out the truth? Will I ever forgive them if they actually lied to me? I know what to do. I will get to the root of this. I don't need my memories to find out the truth.

"You and I will be getting married soon, we don't need all these distractions" Jane said bringing my mind back.

"You and I are over Jane. How many times do you want me to say this?"

"You can't call it off because you are betrothed to me. It's part of the deal that I marry an Armstrong!"

"If you badly want to marry an Armstrong, why don't you get married to Richie.." I said.

"Becky!!" Richie cut me off.

"You know what? I can't take this anymore. I have had enough" Jane said and started walking out.

"Jane wait" Richie called and ran after her.

I let out a sigh and lied on the bed. Everything is playing out in my head. Starting from when I met Freen at the hospital, her reaction on the first day we saw at the program. She said something to me... She asked why I was acting as if I don't know her. She wanted to see my scar to be sure it was me.

Hold on.....

"Because I have no one. okay? The first girl I ever loved and still love died in a car accident"

Freen's voice sounded in my ear. My mind just went back to the story from the Korean drama she told...

"I am so sorry about that..."

"Plot twist... She's alive but doesn't remember me at all"

Fuck! Everything makes sense now. Turns out it wasn't a story from any drama afterall. She was talking about me! Even Kla said something very suspicious...

"My mummy said you're her wife but you died. Are you a ghost?"

I remember vividly his words that first day I met him in Freen's room. What about her family and friends' reaction when they saw me? Everything is pointing to the fact that they thought I was dead which actually means that my family truly faked my death!

It's time to visit the hospital myself. I am a little heartbroken, I don't know if I can handle the truth. What if they truly faked my death? will I ever forgive them?


It's been over two weeks since the whole incidence. I am happy that Becky is fine now and out of the hospital. But I am bothered. A part of me is telling me that Becky will leave me very soon. I feel like I am fighting a lost battle. Like Becky will definitely succumb to the pressure. She's still young and not strong to withstand such pressure from her family. It hurts me that our love is having many challenges and probably may not be possible in the end.

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