Chapter 18 part 1

Depuis le début

"Why am I here?" He somewhat scowled, failing to hide the anger in his voice.

The man laughed dryly for a short second before his face became serious again.

"Are you kidding?" He asked humorlessly. "Why are you, the villain who killed people, stole from people, committed disgusting crimes, in prison?"

Matias noticed the irony of his question. To these cops, he was an awful person. But something in the officers tone still annoyed him. Still made his itch with anger.

"I didn't commit any crimes" he spat back, growing more and more irritated.

The officer laughed once again.

Matias grit his teeth, but didn't speak.

"Listen, I've heard all about how you lied to Officer Hinton, and I won't let you do the same to me. We are all aware of your history" he argued, getting louder with every word until he was nearly yelling.

Matias was about to respond when the other three officers stepped forward, turning the one he was arguing with around to talk to them.

He couldn't hear what they were saying, but Matias could tell they were all on edge. Probably having some kind of disagreement.

Suddenly, the man he was arguing with stepped away sharply and made his way out, to somewhere Matias couldn't see.

The other officers all glanced around at one another, worried and upset looks on their faces.

When they had all taken a breath and gave one last glance at one another they stepped forward towards Matias's cell.

"Is the hero okay?" Matias asked suddenly before any of the officers could say a word.

They all shifted awkwardly, but none of them dared to look at one another. They each stared either at the floor below them, a nearby wall, or the disgusting ceiling above their heads.

Matias scoffed and rolled his eyes slightly. He couldn't even ask a simple question without police's minds going to the worst.

"I just want to know if he's okay. Is he in critical condition?" He asked softer than before.

The female officer cleared her throat and held a hand up to her stomach briefly before letting it drop back to her side.

"He is fine" she said shyly. "He lost a lot of blood, but overall will be okay"

The two male officers looked at her with half-crazy expressions, but didn't say anything.

Matias nodded slowly.

He kept his appearance seemingly calm, but could feel his fingers start to twitch and his heart speed up.

When he was in the alley he remembered so vividly the awful condition Samuel was in. He could still imagine the blood oozing around his fingers and the distant look in his eyes with pinpoint accuracy.

Now he couldn't help but imagine him being perfectly fine again. As if the fight had never happened. He knew how unrealistic the thought was, that Samuel was unhurt and enjoying his life at the hospital, but the idea brought him comfort.

"How about the new villain?" He asked abruptly.

The officers, like they had already done multiple times already, made worried expressions all while avoiding any sort of eye contact with the villain, Matias.

"I don't.. associate.. with her—at all" he hurriedly explained, "I just want to make sure she hasn't attacked or anything" he confirmed, suddenly nervous.

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