Chapter Thirty

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‘Always take care of the girl. Don’t use her and leave. Protect them whether they are your mate.’ he would say. ‘Condoms boy, don’t be a dumbass.’

Shifter females can get pregnant even though they aren’t in heat, but it’s rare. I hate to say it, but I’ve rarely used them since I perfected the signs of an impending knot coming on and pulling out.

A sigh of relief falls from my lips once I’ve arrived. Someone has placed strategically used sheets and other trinkets from all us males throughout the space so Annalise can create her nesting space. Which brings me to another predicament. She must be alone to do so. I can’t leave her alone. Has Luna Celestia even talked to her about such things? Or is that something that is instinctual?

I lay Annalise down on one of the massive beds that adorn the space and pull a light sheet over her so she doesn’t get too hot. She’s asleep for the time being, so perhaps I can go hunt for more food and leave her to make her nest when she wakes.

Just when I’m about to have an anxiety attack because I don’t know what to do, Queen Luna Alexandria walks in with supplies to stock the fridge.

“I uh… I don’t know what to do… I uh… I didn’t mark her or anything. I just gave her what she needed and now she’s got a mess all over her and uh… Can I wash her off now? It’s killing me to leave her in that state of… and well, I can’t leave her alone… though, that’s one thing I know… they need to be left alone to nest…”

“Zane, shh… nothing about this situation is normal, dear. Gabriel was seventy years old before I came into the picture. I was eighteen, and had received education about such things prior to meeting him. Annalise is, well, special circumstances. This sort of thing has never happened in werewolf history.”

Special circumstances, she says. Special circumstances! Janus comes forth and I ball my fists and growl. Even the Queen of werewolves doesn’t have the answers I need.

“Oh goodness. Poor boy. She will be asleep for a while. If you clean her off, she’ll go into a frenzy. Yes, you must leave. I’ll inform Luna Celestia about what has transpired. Annalise will be safe. You have my word. Go do what you must. Inform the Omega’s that I will not be returning and they need to continue bringing food down.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I can’t just…”

“Zane, get out of here!”

“Yes ma’am, Queen Luna. Aw, hell I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. Luna Celestia is on her way. We have things handled here. Now go.”


Instead of hunting, my focus has been making sure that there are eyes everywhere. Up on the mountaintops, throughout the city, and in every crevice I could find. Not that my father and family haven’t been doing the same. She’s my mate and my duty is to my mate and the pack. Annalise thinks that her little hideouts have been hidden from me, but I’ve known where they have been all along.

Maybe a small part of me has always known she would be my mate, but I overlooked it. We could be twins in all honesty if you put aside our chromosomes. Our resemblances are uncanny beyond mine, being more masculine and hers being more feminine. Makes me wonder if I have an angel hiding underneath the surface. She, Dante and I are one, created from one soul, so…

‘Stay focused, numbskull. You’ve been away long enough. We have handled everything. You must go back to our mate. I’m taking control. Your anxiety is racking on my nerves.’

Moments later, Janus and I are sprinting through the forest. A buck comes to its fate along the way and before long we are back at the treeline. I transform back into my human skin, pull the buck onto my shoulders and strut to the front door, naked as the day I was born.

I’ve been away for hours, but shifters are still bustling around frantically. Being so preoccupied with ensuring the safety of my mate and our pack, I don’t have a clue what’s going on.

“Hey! Take this and prepare it to be eaten. What’s going on?”

“Annalise. She woke up moments ago, before you came. I believe she has forgotten how to mind link and the others are so busy trying to console her. It hasn’t been long. She was asleep when the others came to drop off food and they went back out to hunt for more food. We have to ensure you all have the nourishment, as well as the pack you see.”

Dropping the buck on the ground, I sprint towards my mate, pushing people out of my way unapologetically. Everyone knows what’s going on. Steer clear of a Gamma whose mate is in agony. Come to think of it, I know exactly when she woke up. I felt a searing pain in my groin, a scorching heat came over me and I chalked it up to pulling a muscle and recently shifting.

Bursting through the hidden entrance, I see Annalise in a fetal position in her nest that she has made on the living room floor. The damn thing is massive, and she’s screaming in agony.

“Everything will be prepared and hanging in the next door compartment. You must mark her and mate her Zane. We will leave you now.” Luna Celestia says as she and Queen Luna leave.

I crawl up beside her and run my fingertips over her, and a sigh of relief comes from her.

“I’m here Angel. I’ve spent this whole time ensuring you would be safe. The others probably think I’m insane now, but I’ve done that for you.”

She leaps from the nest, grabs me and throws me down on the cushioned floor, crawls on top of me and growls as she positions herself over my cock, and throws her head back, growling as she impales herself with my stiff length.

“Show me what you’re made of! Give me what I know only you can! Fuck me Zacharael!”

She had a mixture of mainly gold lightly dusted silver and sky blue undertones in her eyes before, but now they are dominated with silver, a splash of gold from her wolf and very little sky blue. Her angelic aspect has taken over mostly, and she speaks to me through Tamael.

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