Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

I poke my head in and a sigh of relief falls from my lips to see her nestled deep inside Xillon’s covers. Her heart beats slowly and I smile upon hearing her steady breaths. At least Dante thought to close her eyes for her before he left her all alone.

Stepping over, I draw away the blankets from her and flinch when Dante’s aroma drifts to my nostrils. She’s wearing that fucker’s shirt and his shorts. Hell no. As gently as I can, I pull his shirt and shorts off of her, pull her into my arms and saunter over to my room.

I lay her gently down on my bed and fetch a clean shirt and boxer shorts from my dresser. After dressing her, I climb into bed and pull her tightly against me in a spooning position. It annoys me she smells like him even after taking his clothes off, but I’ll deal with it for now. He is just as much her mate as I am.

Silver will be pissed when she wakes to being in bed with me, and changed into my clothes. She should be happy that I respected her enough not to check her out as I did so. But there was no way I was sleeping next to her, with his scent invading my nostrils.


“Aw, fuck!” I yelled, upon getting sucker punched in the eye out of nowhere.

“Why the hell am I in your bed, wearing your clothes, asshole?!” Silver screams as she glares at me.

“You didn’t have to punch me, damn it! Fuck, that hurt, Silver!”

“My name isn’t Silver, asshole!” She screeches and hops out of the bed.

“I’m sorry, Annalise. Please come back to bed so I can explain.”

“I don’t want to have anything to do with you. I’m not going back on my word. I will never take you as my mate. In fact. I, Annalise Celestia Vernon, future Alpha and Luna of the Blood Moon Howler Pack…”

She squeeles, steps on my feet and attempts to bite my hand as I firmly grasp her with my other arm around her. “You may attempt to reject me, but I will not accept it or reject you back. So you would have put us both in pain for nothing. Are you going to settle down so we can chat and I’ll explain?”

She nods her head, and I loosen my grip on her. She spins suddenly and uppercuts my jaw, sending me flying backwards into my dresser. Then she forces my door open and sprints out of my room.

‘What the hell am I supposed to do now, Janus?’

‘Xillon is her favorite. You should get his help. This will not be an easy feat to accomplish on your own.’

‘Is he even back? I don’t remember dozing off, but it’s still dark out. So I’m guessing I wasn’t asleep for long.’

‘You’re so dense it amazes me. I was asleep as well. Her scent lulled me to sleep.’

“Damn it, Zane! Shut up!” Annalise screams and chunks a brush at my head.

“I didn’t say anything!”

“You are so stupid. I assumed you would have caught on by now. I can hear every damn thought that comes into that bean brain of yours.”

“Oh. That’s right.”

“Yes, dumbass. Stay there and don’t come near me. Tell me what the hell is going on.”

Settling on the bed, I relay all that Dante and Gabriel had told us in Alpha Max’s study. Half through, Annalise slowly advanced towards me and settled next to me on the bed. I respected her wishes of not touching her by twining my fingers together tightly in my lap.

“I minimally touched you enough in order to clothe you and I didn’t even check you out or anything. You had to be safe, and that was the only way I knew you would be alright.”

“You’re a man whore. Your dick won’t get anywhere near me. You want me, then you will have to work for it. Stop sleeping around. You’re lucky you are a shifter, or I guarantee you, you would have some kind of human STD or something. Despite that, I don’t want you near me. This bed will not have the privilege of having me on it, either. Jack off, or whatever you need to do.”

“How long do you intend on making me suffer? I am a man, Annalise.”

She glares at me, then looks away. “If you can go a month without sleeping, or even being near other female shifters. And if you can take me out on dates and attempt to show me, I’m more than another piece of ass to you. Then I’ll accept you as my mate.”

“If I can’t sleep with anyone, then neither should you be able to.”

“Nope. That’s not how this works. I have accepted Xillon and Jarek as my mates. I have spent the last two weeks bonding with both of them. Even Jarek has had to make things up to me. He and I haven’t had sex since that first night we were together. Xillon and I, on the other hand. Anytime we are together, it’s all out sexy time.”

“You’re killing me here. I don’t want to hear about you being with someone else.”

“Well, do as I say and maybe in a month’s time. If I stay here and no one abducts me. Then maybe you will get lucky. If you don’t make it a month and do as I ask, you will accept my rejection.”

A month without sex. I’m capable of doing it. I have this under control. I’m worried she won’t accept me. I cannot do without her. I’ll go the extra mile to make her content. Annalise rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

“No, you won’t, Zane. You can’t go two days without sticking your dick up someone’s cunt.” Annalise chuckles, stands and leaves the room.


“Hey, Zane. I have an itch I need you to scratch as soon as possible.” Joslyn says as she skims her manicured fingernails over my limp dick and it perks up.

I’ve gone two weeks without fucking anyone. Calluses adorn my hands from pumping my cock non stop though. I glance over to see Annalise smirking at us. I’m convinced she’s sending girls my way when she knows I’m most vulnerable. Like now, when school is out and I have a few moments free before training. This would usually be the time I would take some hot chick out into the woods and fuck them senseless.

Holding up my part of the bargain, I’ve taken Annalise out on a few dates over the last couple of weeks. I’ve bought her roses, jewelry and other random shit, because I know what women like by watching my father spoil my mother. It hasn’t been easy because Dante is now in the mix and she’s doing her best to make time for all of us. She hasn’t slept with Dante yet. Not sure what’s going on there. She knows I don’t want to know anything that happens with her and the others.

Not only that, but Alpha King Gabriel has brought in countless troops from the kingdom overseas and we’ve all been getting out of school three hours early every day and spending extra efforts on training for war. His brother will be surprised to know that Gabriel has his own horde of witch/werewolf hybrids. That most of them all have crescent moons on their foreheads puts me at ease with Annalise’s. Theirs are smaller, however.

“Get your hands off of me. I don’t fuck around anymore.”

“I know you want me. Your cock is rising to the occasion.”

“I haven’t fucked anyone in two weeks, Joslyn. You are not my mate.”

“How would you know? We are too young to even know the answer to that. You and I are good together. Please. I really need you. I’ll let you fuck my a…”

“Shut the hell up and get the hell away from me,” I growl, spin, and sprint out of the school.

Porn isn’t cutting it and Annalise taunts me. She messes with me. Makes me think I might get lucky anyway and then leaves me hanging. I have a serious case of blue balls because of her. Even jacking off doesn’t seem to relieve the ache. She better get ready for the massive load I’m going to give her, because I don’t intend to lose this wager she put on me.

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