Orphan, and the orphans mother

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Betty's POV
I'm in the shower thinking, I've been wanting to tell Jughead that I would like to go back to school. I've been keeping this in because I've already felt so much like a burden I didn't want to bother him. I never went to college and I keep chickening out.

After I get dressed I walk to the diner.

"Good morning lovely." Alice says. She's always so sweet to me. She's behind the counter by the cash register.

"Would you like some coffee?" She asks.

"Oh, um sure." I respond.

"Is something on your mind?"

"Well, I need to tell Jughead something but I don't know how."

"You're not pregnant are you?" Alice asks unsettling.

"Oh, no no no."

"Oh okay good wait what's wrong?" Alice asksgrabbing my hand.

"To be honest Jugs been kind of babying me he's afraid of me getting hurt again. Which is why I'm scared to tell him...I want to go to college."

"Oh, honey I don't think he would mind."

"He would if I tell him I want to get my criminal justice degree. I want to do something with law enforement."


"Yeah, and I know he is going to freak out and we're in such a good place but ever since I was shot I can never stop thinking about it. I mean nightmares, all of it. The guy who did it is still out there and so is the guy that robbed this place. Obviously no one around here is looking for him. I mean I have started investigating on my own but."


"What! This guy almost ended my life I want to find him confront him and I want to know why he did it."

"Betty this is dangerous though I'm speaking as a mother, I mean if I was one, but I'm not just please be careful and talk to Jughead I'm sure he'll be more understanding then you think."

"For the record if you were a mother you would have been an amazing one, speaking of someone who doesn't have one." I say sipping my coffee."

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