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Betty's POV
We have been driving for over an hour I think to myself. Where could we possibly be going? 

"I would like to know why we had to borrow Gladys's car? Why couldn't we take the bike?" I ask him. 

"Relax Betts it's a surprise." Jughead says taking my hand. 

"Well I don't like surprises." 

"Pfff sense when." 

"Sense the last time I was surprised I was shot." I responded in a sarcastic tone. 

"Technically it wasn't a surprise.." 

I gave him the look cutting him off. 

Every couple has that look, its the look that means I love you but you better shut your mouth. 

We pull into this weird farm type area and there is some guys standing by a box. 

Once we get out of the car a man looks at Jughead. 

"Hi I'm Dan, we talked on the phone." He says raising his hands to shake. 

"Hi, I'm Jughead and this is my girlfriend Betty." 

"Hi, nice to meet you." 

"Well, there's two males and one female left, take your pick." Dan says walking away. 

What? I think to myself. 

"Well, which one?" Jughead says. 

looking in the box there is some husk puppies no bigger than my hand. 

"Are you crazy? We can't get a dog." I tell him, 

"Too late." He says smirking. He leans down to see them better. 

"Now, which one?" 

I look at the 3 puppies and see one with piercing green eyes. 

"Babe are you sure about this, a dog is a big step." I ask. 

"Well, I'm willing to take all the steps if you are." He says reassuring me. 

We kiss for a quick second while he holds me in his embrace. 

I pick up the puppy with the piercing green eyes and say "This is the one." 

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