20 | A Father's Reveal

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The school bazaar was crowded. Students chattered as they tended to their stalls, each one eagerly promoting their projects. Sean, in the middle of the lively environment, walked through the booths, his mind distracted by one thought, the manager of the outdoor café. He was determined to find out more, but he knew for sure that he wouldn't ask Nastia about it.

Luckily as he roamed, Sean spotted Lux, Millie, and Fera who had just arrived. He hurried over to them with the hope that they could help him.

"Hey, guys," Sean greeted, his voice somewhat strained.

"Hey, Sean! What's up?" Lux chirped.

"I need to ask something. Do any of you know the name of the café's manager?" Sean asked, his words slightly rushed.

"It's probably Nich, you know, because the café's name is Nich's Café," Millie recalled.

"Yeah, but we usually just call him Mr. Anderson," Fera added, "so we're not really sure."

Just then, Reynold approached, interrupting their conversation. "Hey, Lux, we need some help at the booth."

Lux excused himself, and so did Millie, and Fera. They were going to look around all the booths, leaving Reynold and Sean in an unexpected moment of silence.

Reynold noticed Sean's uneasiness through his face and figured he had an internal struggle. "Hey, everything alright? You seem kinda off."

Sean sighed, feeling the weight of the unspoken truth. "It's... complicated. There's something bothering me about the café manager, and I can't seem to shake it off."

With an understanding tone, Reynold asked gently, "Wanna talk about it?"

And Sean did. He poured out everything that had happened during the preparation for the bazaar, the tense encounters with Nastia, the confusion about the manager's potential identity, and the growing distance between him and Nastia.

"You know, Nastia's dad and the café manager are close friends," Reynold mentioned. "You could probably ask her if you really want to know."

Sean hesitated, thinking over Reynold's suggestion. " You know I'm not exactly on talking terms with her right now, right?" he admitted, feeling a bit of regret. "It's just... I feel silly. A while ago, I wanted to be the one by her side, and now I'm the one avoiding her."

Approaching Sean once again, Reynold placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sean, sometimes the toughest paths lead to the most rewarding destinations," he spoke softly, offering his support.

Sean looked up, grateful for Reynold's encouraging words. "Thanks, Reynold. It's just a lot to take in," he admitted.

"I get it. But you know, facing this head-on might be the best step you take," Reynold added.

"I know, but what if..." Sean paused, unsure.

Reynold gently interrupted, "What if it's worth it?"

Sean considered Reynold's words, maybe he could find the connection he had long yearned for. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't let this chance slip away," he realized, determination in his eyes.

"Exactly. You got this, Sean. And you've got friends who'll stand by you," Reynold reassured him.

"Thanks, Reynold. Let's do this," Sean said, a hint of determination in his voice.

Reynold smiled, patting Sean's back in encouragement. "That's the spirit."

In the distance, he caught sight of Nastia in her group's booth along with Red, Lux, and the others. Taking a deep breath, Sean walked towards her, ignoring the inner hesitation that threatened to hold him back. With each step closer, the noise of the bazaar seemed to raise.

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