13 | Bakery

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Kirako's parents named their bakery after their daughter, Kirako's Bakery. It sits next to a roadside bridge at the entrance to Riverside City. This makes the bakery easy to see for people passing by. The bakery looks cozy and inviting, especially when the sun shines on it. The delicious smells coming from the bakery always catch the attention of people on the bridge.

The bridge also adds a nice touch to the bakery's surrounding. Many people walk on the bridge, making the area lively. Some customers even enjoy their treats while looking at the water below. This makes the bakery feel connected to  the world around it.

Because of its location, the bakery has become a special place for the community. People often say, "Let's meet at Kirako's Bakery by the bridge." So, the bakery has become a popular meeting spot for friends and a place where people can enjoy good food.

Nastia's group had a busy day ahead of them as they gathered at the bakery. They're going to make delicious donuts for their school project. The scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, and the warmth of the ovens made the atmosphere comfortable.

"Alright, team! Let's get to work!" Nastia announced.

Lux and Nastia immediately started measuring the ingredients, while Kirako expertly kneaded the dough. Diamond took charge of decorating and glazing the donuts, adding vibrant colors and toppings.

As they worked, laughter and chatter filled the bakery. It was proof that the group was not only focused on their project but also enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Diamond, try not to put too much glaze on that donut!" Kirako teased, nudging her playfully.

Diamond grinned. "Hey, I'm just making it extra sweet like myself!"

Reynold, who had been observing quietly, couldn't help but join in. "If you make it any sweeter, I'd dump you and date that donut instead."

The group laughed, even Nastia couldn't help but chuckle. Reynold's humor was a source of amusement.

As the hours passed, the group's hard work paid off. A table was filled with a variety of donuts, each one more tempting than the last.

"Wow, these look amazing!" Diamond admired their creations.

"Yeah, we really pulled it off," Lux agreed.

With their project completed, they cleaned up the kitchen and bid farewell to Kirako's parents. The sun was setting as they stepped out of the bakery.

"Well, that was fun! Thanks, Kirako!" Red said with a smile, but his smile somewhat looked like it was held back for some reason.

"No problem! Glad I could help," Kirako replied, waving goodbye.

One by one, the group members headed home, tired from a day of kneading dough. However, Red lingered behind, standing on the edge of the roadside bridge near the entrance of Riverside City.

As the others scattered, Red found himself standing alone on the roadside bridge, looking down at the river stream below, lost in thought. The sound of flowing water echoed in his ears, calming his mind yet showing up images from memories that he had tried to bury. The sun was beginning to set, creating a warm and comforting glow over the scenery.

He clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger, frustration, and longing. The incident from his childhood, the pain of abandonment, and the anger that had become his shield, all resurfaced, flooding his mind. His thoughts were a mix of memories, regrets, and unanswered questions.

Reynold was still talking to Kirako when she noticed Red standing alone. "What's up with Red?" she asked, concerned.

Reynold looked to where Kirako was gazing. "He's... remembering the past. It wasn't a happy one, I know."

"How do you know?"

"Of course, I know. He was my second in command, remember? My group consisted of students who wanted to take their minds off things. Those students included Red and me," Reynold reminded her, referring to his old gang, Thunder.

"Comfort him!"

"But- I don't think it's the right time."

"Just do it!" Kirako encouraged Reynold as she pushed him ahead.

Amidst the serenity of the scene, Red's emotions swirled like the river's flow. He had built walls around himself, shielding his vulnerabilities from the world. But being in this place, at this moment, the walls seemed to crumble.

Unbeknownst to him, Reynold approached. He stood beside Red, sharing the view without the need for words. They had been through so much together, and sometimes, the silence between them was comfortable, the kind that only true friends could share.

Red's gaze remained fixed on the river, his mind wandering through the maze of his past. The incident that had shaped him, the loneliness he had grown accustomed to, felt heavy like anchors pulling him down.

"Sometimes it helps to talk about it," Reynold finally spoke, breaking the silence gently.

Red finally turned his head slightly to look at Reynold. His expression was a mix of surprise and vulnerability. He had always been the one to keep his emotions locked away, his pain hidden behind a mask of neglect.

"I've been there, you know," Reynold continued. "Bottling it up only makes it harder. Sharing the burden with someone else... it can make a difference."

Red's guard started to go down. He wanted to push Reynold's words away, to continue the cycle of isolation. 

"You're not alone in this, Red," Reynold emphasized. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Red's emotions churned within him, a mixture of resistance and longing. He had been avoiding vulnerability for so long, and yet, here was Reynold, his friend who had faced his own demons and become stronger.

As the sun set, Red finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's not easy, you know. Letting go."

Reynold nodded in understanding. "No one said it was. But it's worth it."

Red took a deep breath, his defenses slowly crumbling. "I've carried it for so long... the anger, the hurt. I don't know if I can..."

"You don't have to do it all at once, bro!" Reynold reassured. "It's a process. I'll be here every step of the way. We'll be here."

With a single nod from Red, Reynold left him and went back to Kirako.

"He's not doing any better. You should try and talk to him!" Reynold said to Kirako.

Reynold left Kirako to take care of Red. And so, she walked toward him.

Red was still thinking about what Reynold said. His thoughts were interrupted as the soft sound of footsteps approached. He turned slightly to see Kirako approaching. She stopped beside him as the gentle breeze ruffled their hair.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" she said softly, her eyes fixed on the river.

Red nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment. He appreciated Kirako's company, even if he couldn't admit it.

"You know," Kirako continued, "sometimes being in a place like this helps clear your mind. It's like the river takes away your worries, even if just for a moment."

Red glanced at her, surprised by her insight. He had always seen Kirako as the cheerful and carefree one. He wasn't expecting her to understand the depth of his struggles.

"I've had my fair share of tough times too," Kirako admitted, her gaze still fixed on the water. "It's okay to feel angry, hurt, and confused. But it's also important to remember that you're not alone."

Red remained silent, absorbing her words.

"Whenever you're ready to talk or if you need a friend," Kirako said, turning to face him with a gentle smile, "just know that I'm here."

With those words, Kirako left him standing on the bridge. She had never witnessed this vulnerable side of Red before. It was as if a door had been opened, revealing the turmoil and pain he had locked from the world. Her heart felt sad for him, and while she couldn't fully understand his past, she knew that this moment showed a part of him that not everyone sees.

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