10 | Thunder and Lightning

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The dark cloud covered the sky, the wind blew through the air, the water poured down the street, and the sound of drip-drop is heard all over the city.

It was raining hard in Riverside City. The lessons are over and now the students are hurrying to get home. Except for one specific student, Sean. He didn't bring his umbrella. He's just standing there in front of the exit door while looking at the rain.

Nastia was taking off her shoes near the exit door when someone approached her. "Hey, Nastia!"

Nastia turned around to see Sean standing there.

"Aren't you going to go home?" she asked as she put her shoes in her bag.

"Nah, I don't have my umbrella with me so I have to wait until the rain stops," answered Sean.

"The sky was already cloudy this morning and you don't bring your umbrella? Really?" asked Nastia sarcastically.


Nastia sighed while shooking her head and looking at him. "I know you're new in town, so I'm going to tell you this. It rains a lot here in Riverside City. You might want to bring your umbrella every day. If not, then check the weather report every morning before going to school. At least, that way you could prepare," she explained.

"Yeah. I'll do that next time, thanks!" Sean thanked her.

Suddenly, Nastia tossed Sean an umbrella, a blue one to be exact. "Here, take mine!" she said. "Your parents would be worried if you don't go home. Make sure to give it back to me tomorrow!" she continued.

Shocked by her sudden action, Sean asked, "But, what about you? How are you going to go home if I have your umbrella?"

"I have my brother's here." Nastia took out another umbrella, a black one. "He's not feeling so well, so he's not going out today," she explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope he gets well soon."

"Don't worry! It's just a cold he got from...well, the weather. But, it'll just go away soon." Nastia waved her hand. "I borrowed his umbrella just in case something happened with mine. Whether it's torn by tree branches or blown by the wind, I won't have to worry because I have a spare umbrella. You know, kinda like precautionary motive," she explained.


"Precautionary motive," cleared Nastia. "A desire to hold cash to be able to deal effectively with unexpected events that require a cash outlay," she explained. It was a lesson from economy class. Simply, the lesson was to always bring more money just in case you need it. "Seriously, do you even pay attention to economy class?" she asked.

"No. It's boring," Sean answered, looking uninterested.

"Thought so," Nastia smirked. "Anyway, I have to go home. Bye!" she lift her umbrella, I mean her brother's umbrella, and opened it. She walked home.

"See ya!" said Sean. He looked down at the blue closed umbrella. He opened it, took off his shoes, and start walking home.

After a few steps ahead, he couldn't help but wonder. It felt like he's seen this umbrella somewhere before. But, where? He's having a really strange feeling of déjà vu.


Meanwhile, Red, Lux, and Kirako were already walking home together. All of their homes are in one route. So they always walk home together, except when some of them have other activities at school, like club or extracurricular activities and student council activities.

Right at the moment, Red and Lux were walking ahead while Kirako was right behind them. Each of them was holding their own umbrella. Then, a sound of thunder is heard and a lightning bolt struck through the cloudy sky.

"Wow! The thunder sure is scary one of these days," Lux commented. "Even yesterday, lightning bolts were red! Can you believe it, Red?" he nudged Red who was walking beside him.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Uhh...you know, it kind of reminds me of the 'Thunder' you remember?" Red asked, "Rey's gang that I used to be a part of back in middle school. Our symbol was a red lightning bolt," he said looking at the sky.

"Duh! Of course, I remember. Especially the part when you punch me right in the eye after I bumped into you only because I was walking and reading at the same time! Then, I have to wear glasses after that!" Lux complained.

"Ouch..yeah. That part, haha. I'm so sorry. I wasn't on my best behavior back then," Red apologized.

"Don't worry, I forgave you already. It doesn't hurt now. Except for the fact that I can't see without these glasses. It hurts. And to be honest, I think your behavior is still the same."

"What do you mean? My behavior is not the same. I barely beat up guys these days."

"Yeah, barely. But, if it wasn't for Kirako, then you would have gotten into fight with Aron the other day."

"Hey, speaking of Kirako, where is she?" asked Red, noticing that Kirako is not walking with them anymore.

They turned around to see Kirako taking cover under an empty stall.

"Oh no. She once told me that she's scared of thunders. Not just the gang Thunder, but also literal thunders," Red whispered to Lux.

"Go get her!" Lux nudged Red.

"Wha-why me?"

"Well, you're the one who knows about her fear of thunder." Lux put his hands on Red's shoulders and pushed him towards Kirako.

Red sighed, "Fine. I'll go get her. Just get your hands off me!" he said annoyed, and and started to walk towards Kirako.

Red approached Kirako slowly as she was hiding under the stall while looking up to the sky.

"Hey." Red put his hand on her shoulder gently. "Get your feet moving! It's time to go home," he said to her.

"B-but the rain! It won't stop and the lightning-"

"It's okay!" Red assured, "It's okay to be scared of something. What matters is that you have the courage to face your fear. You said that to me, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"You know Lux and I are here to accompany you. You're not alone," reassured Red.

Kirako smiled. She looked up to him. "Thanks!"

Red smiled back and nodded.

"Come on! Hurry up, you two!" Lux shouted. "Our parents would be worried."

Red and Kirako then walked towards Lux and the three of them continued to walk home.

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