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Four years ago, in a small town beside a river, two best friends always have their backs on each other.

"Nastia, bring your umbrella! It's cloudy outside. I forgot to bring mine and I think it's going to rain!" a boy yelled in front of his friend's house.

"I already have. Come on! We're going to be late for school." A girl came out of the house with her ocean blue umbrella.

Not only that these two were friends, both of their fathers were best friends too. That was how these two kids know each other. Since both of their family lived close, they always came by each other's house.

"I have something for you."

"What is it?"

The boy pulled out a small box and gave it to his friend. She took it and opened it. Inside, there was a blue hair clip.

"Blue suits you well. It's your favorite color, right?"

"It is?"

"Depends, do you like it or not?"

"Yeah, I like blue. How about you? What's your favorite color?"

"Mine is red."

Both of them shared sadness, happiness, and made memories together all through their everyday lives. One without the other is like a glass of tea without a spoonful of sugar. A friend is not someone who talks to you just because they want something from you or because they want something that you have. A true friend is someone who sticks with you through your hard and happy times, who worries about you, cares about you, and doesn't leave your side.

"Hey, Sean! What's the matter? Why do you look so down?"

"It's nothing." The boy walked away.

"Sean? Sean!" The girl chased after him. "Talk to me! Sean!"

A friend is like a sun that brightens your day, a sun that brings life to your whole world.

"Sean! Why won't you talk to me?! You remember our promise, right? No matter what troubles us, we'll face it together. You and I are like the two magnet poles!"

But as there is a day, there will always be a night when the sun will have to set and rise on the other side of the world.

"Sorry, I have to leave." The boy ran away.

"Leave? What do you mean? You keep ignoring me every day. What kind of friend are you?! We can't be friends if you're acting like this!"

It was better like that. If he told her the truth, she would be sad. She would be worried about him. He didn't want that. He didn't want her to worry. He just wanted her to live her life without having to worry about his sad horrible life. After that day, his entire life as he knows it will change. However, the girl didn't know what was up with him. He wouldn't talk to her. All of a sudden, he just seemed to be very distant as if he was never her friend.

That day was the last time they have seen each other. Ever since then, they both started to live their own lives apart from each other. Their worlds changed. The look, the vibe, the surroundings, the people in it, everything in their worlds changed, which makes them forget who they truly are, even each other too.

Author's Note:
Hey, pals! I have another book here! I hope you enjoy it! As always, if there is any misspelling or grammar mistake, please correct me because English is not my first or second language. Thank you for reading and see you next time!

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