2 | The Outdoor Café

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Later on that day, at 03.00 p.m, when school is already out, Nastasia went straight home. Two students were looking at her from behind the lockers.

"Look at that, Aron! Fortune's going straight home as always, not even bothering to hang out with anybody. So why do her so-called 'friends' always stick to her? She's practically nothing," a girl said with a tone full of hatred.

"I know, right? She doesn't even see them as her 'friends' " a boy next to her replied, "to her, they're all just classmates. We are all just classmates."

They were near the exit door, watching as Nastasia walked out of the school building. The girl turned her head and spotted a bunch of students, also walking to the exit door with their bags on their backs.

"Speaking of which, those 'friends' of hers have just arrived," the girl said loudly so that those students she just saw could hear her.

A group consisting of Reynold, Red, Lux, Diamond, and Kirako passed by in front of the two of them. They heard Clara and turned their heads towards her. Trust me, they already know that whenever they see Clara and Aron's faces, they're up to no good things.

"Clara and Aron. What do you want this time?!" Lux stopped in front of the two of them, crossing his arms. The others were standing right behind him.

"Nothing. Anyway, where's that Fortune girl? Isn't she coming with you guys?" Aron asked smugly.

"Don't bring Nastasia up!" Diamond snapped, stepping ahead.

"Why? It's not like she's your friend or anything. She doesn't even see you as her friend, you should just give up on her," Clara mocked.

"If this is about our middle schools' rivalry, forget it! It's over!" Reynold said.

"Yeah! It was just a stupid competition," Red scoffed.

Hearing that made Clara furious. Their middle schools were competing against each other in some kind of Olympic games. Clara and Aron's school used to win all of the time until they got beat by the new representatives of Clearstream Middle School.

"Tch. Stupid? STUPID?! You're the one who's stupid. You think we're going to let it go just like that?! No way!" Clara exploded.

"Our school has a reputation and you ruined it! We lost because of you!" Aron blamed them. "I bet you can't even compete with us without that Nastasia girl by your sides!"

"Oh, you're challenging me? Ha! You want me to beat the heck out of you?!" Red threatened, approaching Aron closer.

"Bring it on!" Aron took a step ahead.

"Maybe." Kirako stepped between the two of them. "Next time. Let's go, Red!" She pushed Red towards the exit before they make any scene, followed by the others.

The group decided to hang out together. Umm...except Nastasia, because she went home earlier. She's not like other students who usually hang out with their friends after school. Right now, the group is going to an outdoor café near the school. Most of the students went there to hang out. The group is on their way there, talking.

"You better think before you act, Red!" Diamond stated.

"Correction, think twice before you act!" Lux added.

"Why bother? You know that action speaks louder than words," Red said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you get to beat up Aron at school," Reynold said.

"Says the one who used to be a gang leader."

"Haha! Very funny, Red," Reynold said sarcastically. Indeed, he was one of those feared leaders of the bad boys back in middle school. "At least, don't beat up guys at school! You'll attract the others' attention, especially the teachers."

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