Chapter 17: The Eternal Advantage

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(RWBY and Dynasty Warriors are owned by their respective owners. I only own the story. Special thanks to SkulloftheDeath for inspiring me to make this.)

It was a very dark night for Remnant, although some light was still shining since Jacques had perished.

After freeing all the Faunus, Willow and Winter allowed them all to live better lives after the war was over, which they accepted without hesitation.

They have informed you that all of the Faunus were now free from any and all racism directed towards them.

You were proud of them.

The rest of your forces have completed the assignments you gave them.

You were even more proud, as you felt that the new era will begin in no time.

Raven had informed you that your father has healed quite quickly.

You thanked her for getting him all healed up.

As you looked down at the world of Remnant, you felt highly confident that your victory was completely inevitable.

Y/N: I am certain that everything Ozpin's forces will be effortlessly overwhelmed, along with all those who dared to oppose me and my ambition.

You smiled, knowing that there is nothing that your enemies can do to stop your ambition from being completed.

Y/N: Enjoy your final days, Ozpin. Soon, you will be crushed like the insect you are, and I will complete my revenge.

Pyrrha and Cardin walked up to you.

Pyrrha: So, are you enjoying the view, sweetheart?

Y/N: Yes, I am, my dear Pyrrha.

Cardin: It sure is beautiful down there, isn't it?

Y/N: Of course it is. Ever since Jacques died, I have gained quite a lot of allies. Now all of the Faunus are getting the luxury they rightfully deserve. 

Your teammates walked up to you as well.

Sabrina: Y/N, everything seems to be going well.

Lyra: Ozpin's forces will be facing an uphill battle soon.

Esmeralda: I'm glad to know that your dream world is starting to come true.

Y/N: I know. Soon, all of Remnant will bow before its new ruler, and I will finally get the peace I have desired for so long. I only need to ensure that all the civilians are safe and out of the crossfire. Then, by the time I declare war, we can unleash hell upon all of our foes.

Weiss walked up to you and bowed to you in respect.

Weiss: It seems that the world you seek to create will soon be given birth.

Y/N: Of course, Weiss. I just hope Ruby can keep all the protesters in control. I can tell she holds a very altruistic heart, and refuses to leave any truly innocent people behind.

Weiss: I'm certain she will get everyone to safety. She is truly loyal to the promise she made to you.

Y/N: Indeed. I have to commend her for such loyalty. I shall give her a call.

You got your scroll and gave Ruby a call.

Y/N: Ruby, how is everything going for you so far?

Ruby: Everything is going well so far. Almost all of the civilians are safe. It's only a matter of time until I manage to keep things under control.

Y/N: Well done, Ruby. You truly have made me proud.

Ruby: Aw, I'm just happy to help.

Y/N: I know you are. Thank you for staying true to your promise.

Ruby: You're welcome, Y/N. By the way, how's your father? Is he okay?

Y/N: Yes, he's perfectly fine now. He had a fight with Port earlier. The old bastard got that ass beating he rightfully deserved for talking all kinds of shit. And let's just say, my father definitely gave him a lot of pain. As I conversed with Willow and Winter, my father was eavesdropping, and he was quite furious about that old bastard's words.

Ruby: How violent was your father during his fight with Port?

Y/N: Oh, you wouldn't believe the amount of blood he spilled from that old bastard. My father slashed him with his blade and easily gave him a lot of cuts and scars.

Ruby: Whoa! He must have been mad!

Y/N: Considering how ruthless he was, I can certainly agree that he was furious.

Ruby: I know, right? That guy was just brutal! But then again, it's pretty justified how he'd give Port several cuts and scars for insulting you.

Y/N: That old bastard Port deserved those cuts and scars for talking shit.

Ruby: Well, I sure hope Port has learned not to insult you like that.

Y/N: Oh, I am certain he has. It won't stop him from dwelling in his delusions, but it will make him think twice before talking shit about me like that.

Ruby: Well, good. It serves him right. 

Y/N: You know it. I doubt he'll be talking shit about me for a long time.

Ruby: That's good to hear. Well, I'll be seeing you later. Gotta get the last of the innocent people to safety. After all, the world may have rejected you, but it's the corrupted people who are beyond all hopes of redemption.

Y/N: You mean there truly are innocent people who want this to end?

Ruby: Of course! Not everybody hates you, Y/N. I know you have become a lot more ruthless and violent, but you're still the altruistic warrior I always wanted to be like. I'll always believe in you, no matter what happens.

You smiled as a tear fell from your eye.

Y/N: Thanks for your kind words, Ruby. I truly appreciate it. 

Ruby: Aw, no problem. See you later!

Y/N: Take care, Ruby.

You ended the call.

Y/N: Bless that girl. Her idealism is highly admirable. Perhaps I will allow her to join my forces.

Pyrrha: It will be highly profitable. After all, she has saved countless lives.

Cardin: After seeing how far she has come, it's spectacular how she has managed to bring all protesters to the authorities.

Y/N: And since they have faced their just punishment, I highly doubt there will be any trouble caused within this world. The new world is already on the rise, and yet war has not even begun. I always knew this was easy, but I never expected things to be this easy. It almost feels effortless.

Weiss: I have to agree.

Y/N: Looks like Ozpin and his band of mongrels will be vanquished along with the rest of our enemies for their futile resistance. I honestly doubt they will ever be able to put an end to my ambition now. Be prepared to raid Beacon soon. Remember, this is merely a prologue to our final battle, so be sure to weaken them. Strike in the night, so it can be more effective.

Everyone: Understood.

Everyone bowed to you in respect and walked off to prepare for their night raid.

Y/N: Prepare yourself, Ozpin. You will have some visitors soon.

Well, that's all for this chapter.

I will see you in the next one. Good day to you all.

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