Chapter 2: A Dream Forsaken

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(RWBY and Dynasty Warriors are owned by their respective owners. I only own the story. Special thanks to SkulloftheDeaths for inspiring me to make this. Thanks a lot, man.)

You were sitting out in the park.

It was quiet, with only sounds of the wind being heard.

You were asking why you weren't at Beacon.

Well, you were expelled because of Port's bullshit excuse.

-7 Hours Ago-

Pyrrha: You're doing well, Y/N. Your Semblance is working perfectly. You gave me quite a workout.

You reached your hand towards Pyrrha.

Y/N: You need help getting up?

Pyrrha smiled and grabbed your hand.

You pulled her up.

Pyrrha: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

You sat down at the edge of the roof.

Y/N: Sometimes... I think about my family.

Pyrrha: I know. Cardin told us all about it. I'm so sorry, Y/N...

Y/N: When they died, those bastards called their deaths justified, just because they were human. I have never hated any of the Faunus. Hell, I even fell in love with Blake and befriended Velvet.

Pyrrha: There are people who accept you for who you are.

She looked at you straight into your eyes.

Y/N: Really?

Pyrrha: I know. I do.

Y/N: Pyrrha...

The two of you leaned towards each other.

Just as your lips were about to touch...

The door slammed open, making Pyrrha jump for a bit.

You looked at Port with an angry glare.

Y/N: Bitch, what the fuck?!

Port: Y/N L/N! Report to the Ozpin's office straight away!

Pyrrha: Port, what's going on?!

Port: Mr.L/N has been accused of sexual harassment for the 10th time this week. And that's ending today. 

Y/N: Are you fucking high, old man?! I never did any of that shit!

Pyrrha: What's your problem?! You have it out for him!


Y/N: This is fucking bullshit! I'm innocent, you old bitch! You're fucking high!

You stormed off to Ozpin's office. You were livid.

Port: This is for the good of Remnant and Beacon. You're staying out of it.

Port marched off with a proud smile.

Pyrrha: Ever since his team went on a mission, Y/N's been falsely accused of everything.

-With you-

You walked to Ozpin's office as he reads some files as you were glaring at Port in even more rage.

Ozpin: And now with several accusations from Weiss, Ruby, Blake, Glynda, Emerald, and then Pyrrha...

Y/N: Sir, listen! She's one of my best friends! I love her! I never harassed her at all! I swear to Montgomery Oum himself!

The Rejected Huntsman Turned Ultimate Dynasty Warrior (Male Reader X RWBY Harem)Where stories live. Discover now