Shadows Unleashed

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Chapter 20: Shadows Unleashed

As Bakugou sought refuge in the coffee shop, the air inside the washroom thickened with tension. His heart raced uncontrollably, a visceral reaction to the unexpected encounter with the mysterious girl and the yellow-haired boy.

Struggling to catch his breath, Bakugou closed the washroom door behind him. The dim light flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls, mirroring the turmoil within him.

The words echoed in his mind.

"Stop it." Through the darkness, a boy with yellow hair emerged, knife in hand, twirling it skillfully as he walked towards them.
"It's not what you think, Kaminari!!" The girl looked terribly shattered.
"He is stronger than this girl." Bakugou thought, attempting to get away. For some reason, he felt a gradual return of movement.

The yellow-haired boy, identified as Kaminari Denki, revealed their ominous purpose.
"You know what we are bound to do!" He yelled at the girl. "We should kill this filthy creature. Since he is the last wolf, I would do the honors." He said to the girl.

Meanwhile, the girl, wearing a chilling smile, spoke. "Okay, okay, here he is, now all yours-"

"Not bad." Denki muttered as they turned their attention back to where Bakugou had been, realizing he had vanished.

Now alone in the washroom, Bakugou grappled with the aftermath of the encounter. His heightened wolf instincts, triggered by the threat to his existence, spiraled out of control. Every subtle sound reverberated in his ears, overwhelming his senses. The panic attack took hold, and Bakugou clutched the sink for support.

"Calm down, don't think about it." His mind raced with the implications of being hunted by those who viewed him as a threat. The very essence of his being, his wolf nature, clashed with the reality of a world that saw him as a danger.

"I can't let them catch me. I won't be their prey."

Outside the washroom, Denki and the girl searched in vain for the elusive Bakugou. Their plan to capture him faltered, leaving them to wonder how he slipped away so effortlessly.

Back in the washroom, Bakugou's breathing gradually steadied, but the weight of the encounter lingered. He knew he couldn't stay hidden forever, and the shadows of uncertainty stretched out before him, casting doubt on the fragile balance he had maintained between his wolf self and the human world.

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