Whispers of the Heart

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Chapter 4: Whispers of the Heart

Returning to Momo and Jiro after the intense encounter with Bakugou, Shoto found his thoughts inexplicably consumed by the enigmatic boy with crimson hair. His gaze lingered on his food, seemingly lost in a sea of contemplation.

"Bakugou...." he muttered, the name escaping his lips like a whisper of curiosity and concern.

Jiro's keen ears caught the faint utterance, prompting her to inquire about the source of Shoto's distraction. She leaned in, her eyes gleaming with mischievous curiosity.

"What's the matter, Shoto? You seem lost in thought," Jiro remarked, her tone playfully teasing.

"I saw a boy in the washroom, Bakugou," Shoto began, his voice carrying a mix of fascination and genuine concern. "There's something about him; I want to know more, be with him more. It's as if I want to protect him."

Jiro, quick to decipher the unspoken emotions, exclaimed with unrestrained enthusiasm, "Shoto, my friend, you're in love!"

Momo, more pragmatic in her approach, rejected the notion with a shake of her head. "Jiro, don't be ridiculous. Shoto, it's probably just curiosity or sympathy. Love doesn't happen that quickly."

Jiro, undeterred by Momo's skepticism, retorted, "Momo, don't tell me you don't believe in love at first sight? Huh?"

Shoto, torn between the burgeoning emotions and his reluctance to embrace them, stated firmly, "I don't want to fall in love with anyone right now."

Jiro, undaunted by Shoto's protest, grinned mischievously. "Well, my friend, love has its own plans. Don't worry; I'll be your love guru. We'll figure this out together."

Momo sighed, knowing that once Jiro set her mind on something, resistance was futile.

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