Shared Solitude

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Chapter 16: Shared Solitude

Bakugou, sensing Shoto's distress, led him to the washroom with a gentle directive.

"Wash your face. It might help."

Shoto, still overcome with emotion, complied, the cool water doing little to soothe his sadness. While Bakugou handed Shoto some tissues, he couldn't shake off the lingering concern.

"What happened, Shoto? Why are you so cold?"

Shoto, his voice shaky, admitted, "I don't know."

"Seriously?" Concern etched on Bakugou's face.

"Okay, my home is close to here. Let's go there and take some rest." He decided to take Shoto to his house, a modest place reflecting Bakugou's independent lifestyle.

When Bakugou opened the door, he looked at Shoto. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get you something warm to drink."


As Shoto sipped the hot coffee, Bakugou efficiently made his bed. Gesturing towards it, he suggested, "Lie down. You'll feel better."

"Ah, Bakugou, I think I'm okay now." Shoto hesitated but eventually complied. Bakugou, perceptive to Shoto's needs, placed a blanket around him. Even though Shoto insisted he was fine, Bakugou could sense something deeper troubling him.

After some time, Bakugou noticed that Shoto remained unnaturally cold. Concerned, he lay down next to Shoto, urging him to share his feelings.

"You're still cold. Something's not right. Tell me, Shoto."

Shoto, his guard gradually lowering, admitted, "I'm okay, really."

Determined to provide comfort, Bakugou pulled Shoto into a gentle embrace, attempting to warm him. Shoto, exhausted from the emotional turmoil, drifted into a peaceful sleep, involuntarily hugging Bakugou back.

As Bakugou felt Shoto's warmth against him, a subtle blush crept onto his cheeks. The quiet intimacy between them spoke volumes, transcending words. In that vulnerable moment, Bakugou realized the significance of their connection, extending beyond friendship into uncharted territories of understanding and mutual support. The small, shared space of Bakugou's home became a sanctuary, where unspoken emotions found solace in the silent presence of one another.

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