Enchanting Encounters

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Okay guys...
First, english isnt my mother language. So dont care about grammar and other mistakes. Sorry about it.
I hope u will enjoy this fanfiction. Vote and comment your ideas.

Lets go....


Chapter 1: Enchanting Encounters

The grand doors of the principal's office swung open, revealing the expansive, bustling halls of Shoto Todoroki's new school—Frostfall Academy. A hushed silence trailed his every move, with students' gazes fixated on the ethereal beauty that seemed to emanate from him.

His striking dual-toned hair, a vivid contrast of icy white and fiery red, framed a face that held an air of mystery. Eyes, clear as an untouched winter lake, surveyed his surroundings with a mix of curiosity and poise. The uniform adorned his figure seamlessly, enhancing the elegance that marked him as someone truly out of the ordinary.

As Shoto navigated through the corridors, the vibrant chaos of high school life was about to unfold before him. Turning a corner, he collided with a whirlwind of energy—a girl with purple hair that seemed to dance with every step. Their collision sent them sprawling to the floor, a flurry of laughter echoing in the corridor.

Another girl, exuding an aura of sophistication, quickly approached, gracefully helping them to their feet.

"Jiro! What are you doing?" she asked.

Jiro, recovering from the collision, flashed a mischievous grin at Shoto.

"Hey there, handsome. Watch where you're going; you might fall for me."

The air was filled with playful banter as other girl, Momo, unamused, promptly smacked Jiro on the arm.

"Ignore her. She thinks she's a comedian."

Undeterred, Jiro persistently attempted to charm Shoto, much to Momo's chagrin.

"You know, my power isn't just in my looks; it's in my music. Wanna hear a sweet melody?"

Before Shoto could respond, Momo intervened, feigning exasperation.

"Save your serenades for later, Jiro. We should introduce ourselves properly."

As introductions unfolded, the trio discovered they shared the same class, setting the stage for a peculiar alliance.

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