Unspected Confession

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Chapter 14: Unspected Confession

Approaching Shoto, Kirishima confessed that he overheard everything Shoto had shared with Naomi. Apologizing for eavesdropping, Shoto, leaning against the wall, nodded understandingly.

"So, who's the one who caught your eyes, Shoto?"

Shoto, contemplating his feelings, replied cryptically. "Someone I know."

Kirishima, with a spark of intuition, ventured a guess. "Don't tell me it is Bakugou."

Shoto, his hand instinctively touching his heart, sighed. "I don't know. When I saw him at the washroom, something weighed on my heart. It was the first time, but then I realized it wasn't just that. His eyes... they look angry."

Kirishima, interjecting with a laugh, noted Bakugou's perpetual fiery demeanor. "He always looks angry, you know."

Shoto shook his head, correcting the misconception. "No, Kirishima. It's not about anger. It's about loneliness. He expresses his loneliness with anger, even when he's with you guys. It's like he's drawing a line between everyone, including you."

Kirishima chuckled. "Man, what are you talking about? Whatever, todoroki." Kirishima looked at Shoto. "Can you do something for me?"

Shoto, curious, asked what it was. "Stay away from Bakugou."

Intrigued, Shoto questioned, "Wh-what do you mean?"

Kirishima chuckled. "Just do it." Then he turned to go away. "Now le—"

"No, I can't. I will not do it," Shoto declared aggressively.

Kirishima chuckled, revealing a surprising twist. "You probably don't know, but Bakugou has a crush on me. He asked me out last month, and I rejected him, but he said he'll be waiting. So, if you want, I can swoop in anytime and snatch him away from you."

Shoto's eyes widened at the revelation. Reacting impulsively, he put his hand on Kirishima's shoulder, squeezing it with intensity.

"If you rejected him, that means you two don't have that kind of relationship. If you try to cross the line, I will never forgive you."

The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, setting the stage for a complex dance of emotions and uncharted territories in the intricate web of relationships among Shoto, Bakugou, and Kirishima.

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