even though im a single mum? (part 2)

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Keira Walshs POV:
Overhearing the conversation from the kitchen, i had to steady myself against the wall. Amelia is only 3, and still she's worried about people abandoning her, its just devastating. No child should be having those feelings, every single one deserves 2 loving parents at the bare minimum, yet Amelia was cheated out of that. However the way they spoke about me warmed my heart, and it reassured me that the relationship Lucy and i shared was moving in the right direction. I decided my shower could wait a few more minutes, and walked back into the kitchen, watching Lucy hug Amelia tightly, with her face hidden in Lucys neck. 'Is everything okay?' I ask, walking over to them and placing a hand on Lucys back. She simply smiles and nods, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her. 'Arent you supposed to be in the shower?' She asks me, suspicious of why i hadnt been in yet. 'It can wait. I thought maybe we could just sit on the sofa and watch a movie?' I suggest, Amelia lifting her head out of Lucys neck. 'Can we?' She asks, looking at Lucy. 'Dont have to ask me twice.' She jokes, me laughing. 'What does that mean?' Am asks, not understanding the phrase due to her young age. 'It means yes Am.' I laugh, causing her to smile. She then reaches out for me, so i take her out of Lucys arms and walk over to the sofa, waiting for Lucy to join us.

We decide to watch Moana, simply because its Ams favourite film, and we constantly have it on repeat. However, she doesnt last very long, as 20 minutes into the film shes fast asleep layed against me. How could anyone leave their child? I simply don't understand it. Amelia wasnt even mine, yet the thought of not being in her life made me feel dizzy. 'She really loves you.' Lucy says, half admirably and half anxiously. I turn my head and smile at her. 'I really love her too.' I say, smiling at her, yet i cant ignore the concern on her face. 'Whats wrong?' I ask, getting nervous at her tension. She sighs then looks down at her lap. 'Talk to me Luce, is something bothering you?' I press, trying to get her to open up. 'Its just- Shes really attached to you and... i dont know. It's silly' she says, shaking her head at herself. 'Hey, nothings silly, i wont be upset.' I say, reassuring her. 'Shes scared your going to leave, and i just dont want her to go through it all again. Dont get me wrong, i want this so bad Keira. So so bad. But your only 21, and i cant ask you to throw your entire life away for us. I love you too much to do that to you. Its not fair.' She rambles. Hold on. Love? She loves me? Does she even realise what shes just said? 'What did you just say?' I whisper, in disbelief. 'What.. that its not fair?' She says, confused. She doesnt even realise shes said it. 'You love me?' I hesitantly ask, reminding her of her words. A look of fear appears on her face, as her eyes widen and her mouth slightly drops. 'I-' she starts to speak but is at a loss for words, completely dumbfounded. 'Say it' i whisper, scared that she didnt mean it. 'I.. i love you Keira' she admits, biting her lip. Oh my god? She loves me. She actually loves me. I just stare at her, her looking more and more concerned by the second. 'I love you too Lucy.' I reply, smiling back at her. She lets out a sigh of relief, then moves to press her lips onto mine, careful of her sleeping child on my chest. 'And as for me throwing my life away, nothing beats this Lucy. This is everything to me, this is where im most happy. My life is way better because i have you two in it.' I smile, bringing a hand upto her cheek. She then cups my hand with hers, and melts into it, closing her eyes. God i was so in love with her. 'Do you know how long ive wanted to tell you i love you?' She asks me. 'If only you knew how long ive wanted to say it for.' I beam back, the happiness radiating off my body. She then moves further into me, and rests her head on my shoulder, placing one hand on her daughter's back. How did i get so damn lucky? I wasn't complaining though, because this was the best feeling in the world.

Lucy Bronzes POV:
Yeah, its safe to say i have found the greatest woman on the planet. The way she treated my daughter as if she were her own, was enough to make me go head over heals for her. 'Thank you' i mumble against her, full of gratitude. 'For what?' She asks, genuinely confused. 'Just for staying, not many would if they found out the person they were dating was actually a single mum, but you did. And now you've shown my daughter more love than her own father could give her, ill never be able to repay you.' I say, getting slightly emotional. Im not one for the soppy stuff, but i think today there was an exception. 'Luce, you dont need to repay me. Thank you for trusting me with her, it means more than you know.' She replies, a singular tear falling onto her hoodie. 'Are you crying?' I ask, sitting up and looking at her, to see tears falling down her face. 'I just feel bad.' She admits, whilst i wipe her face with my hand. 'Feel bad? About what?' I question, quite confused. 'That you've been through hell and back and think that me staying is something big, when its the bare minimum. Im sorry you were cheated out of a regular family.' She apologises, as if it was her fault. 'Kei, its not your fault, dont feel guilty. This is so much more than what my relationship with her father could've ever been. So much more.' I reassure her. Sometimes I forget how young she really is, shes just so mature and perceptive that it makes her seem so much older than she really is. 'Im just happy your happy.' She sniffles, resting her hand ontop of mine. 'The happiest my love'

Authors note:
- guys ngl this is so rushed but the cover photo omfg from YESTERDAY 🙏🏼 healed me slightly from the traumatic week ive had😭😭😭 but like there was sm wonze yesterday and ona lit posted a photo of her and keira LMFAO this is too much for my brain. 3some?👀👀👀 jk dont come for me pls, anyways hope u enjoyyyyy :))

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