Chapter 31: Round One, Burn Together

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With the company

The company once again shot up upon hearing the unmistakable roar of a Night Fury. Even through the thick stone of the mountain, her roar cut through and sounded loud and clear.
Almost as if brought of a trance, Thorin grabbed his sword and dashed into the mountain. The other dwarves didn't hesitate a moment before grabbing their weapons and following him. Running through the familiar corridors, he groaned as another wave of bright heat entered his eyes. He sprinted down the last flight of stairs and then just... stopped. His train of thought stopped. His thoughts about Amaris just.... stopped. As soon as his eyes made contact with the treasure hoard, his mind once again became fuzzy and blocked. In his eyes, the only thing in the room is the gold. He sighed, almost in relief at the gold being unharmed.
He's brought out of his thoughts when Bilbo came rushing up the stairs, in an extremely warranted panic.

"You're alive!" Thorin shouted in relief.

"Not for much longer!" Says Bilbo, continuing to sprint up the stairs. But he's cut off.

"Did you find the arkenstone?" He asks, seemingly forgetting about the current dilemma.

"The dragon's coming! And Amaris-"

"THE ARKENSTONE!" he yells, cutting Bilbo off. He gives the hobbit a dark look, making Bilbo back up slightly.
Thorin doesn't seem like Thorin all of a sudden.

"Did you find it?" asks Thorin in a low voice. Thorin's mind feels... covered; blanketed. But it's like he can't feel it... or control it. It just... is.

"No. We have to get out." Says Bilbo, trying to get by. He's stopped when all of a sudden, Thorin clangs his sword horizontally, the tip of it hitting the wall beside him, blocking Bilbo's way.

"T-Thorin..?" Asks Bilbo, afraid. Thorin glares down at him, aiming his sword at Bilbo's chest to force him back down the stairs. "Thorin!" Shouts Bilbo, trying to understand what the dwarf's problem is. Thorin gave him a calculated look, before slowly stepping forward, making Bilbo back up even more.
He was brought of of his trance when a crash is heard not so far away from him.
He looked down from the staircase and saw the crumpled body of Amaris in a pile of gold. He was about to yell out for her, but stoped when she got right back up. He covered his ears as she shrieked and flew back into the air. She fired a blast at the opposite direction and he had to flinch as it exploded.

Amaris POV

"NIGHT FURY! COWARD!" A voice boomed. I just shrieked back and charged at the red dragon once again. He charges right back and I see his chest begin to glow.


I swiftly cut right to dodge the flames, but a slight singe is unavoidable. Distracted by the stinging pain, I whimpered a little at the burning sensation on my wing. The skin on top is just.. gone. Luckily due to my adrenaline rush, I couldn't feel it that much. Why couldn't my wings have scales too!?
My heart dropped when a massive claw knocked me out of mid air and onto the stone floor. Luckily he didn't get anywhere near my underbelly and the sharp things just scratched like nails on a chalkboard down my back. His claws are so huge they cage me in on the ground, making me unable to move. My ears began to ring as my head made contact with the ground.
I mentally cursed as my mind starts go a million miles a minute, trying to calculate a way out. I'm sure I've broken at least one bone by now.

That's when Smaug spotted the dwarves. They all held their weapons and yelled a battle cry, but it was quickly brought down. Smaug glared at them.

"You will BURN!" he yelled, before firing off another stream of flames their way. Luckily, they managed to dodge and ran out of the treasure room, but Smaug quickly began to follow. Before doing so though, I feel his claws wrap tightly around my body.

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