Chapter 15: Goblins

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Warning: Mentions of rape in this chapter. It doesn't actually happen it's just mentioned. Goblins are evil, and they take anything they want when they want. I will put in bold letters when it's mentioned so you may skip if you want.

Third Person POV

"It's all my fault I shouldn't have let her go." Said Kili, sitting with his brother.
Everyone was still trying to wrap their heads around what had happened. The pure energy and power radiating off of her, was unbelievable. Kili couldn't help but feel responsible for her injuries. If he wouldn't have let her go, she wouldn't have gotten crushed and she could still fly. He knew she would heal, but the fact still remains.

"It wasn't your fault laddie, it was her own decision." Said Dwalin, watching her sleeping form. "We owe her one, that's for sure." he said, crossing his arms.

"We owe her a lot of things." Said Fili. The company nodded in a agreement. Amaris had saved them now, more than once. And she didn't have to, she could've killed them and flown away without another thought, but she didn't.

"Still though, I never expected that a night fury dragon could sing and dance like a dwarf." Said Bofur. The company chuckled at the memory, even Thorin let out a small smile. While she couldn't dance, she still tried and knew how to have fun.

Bilbo, near the back corner of the cave, sadly looked at his dragon friend. He had come to enjoy her company, more than anyone else here. She was like the sister he never had. While she was most likely much older than him, he still felt he needed to protect her. And the fact that he could do nothing as she was crushed, made him feel even more useless than he already did. He will.... miss her.

"Alright, let's get some sleep. We have a long walk ahead of us in the morning." Said Thorin, snapping everyone out of their fond memories. Everyone snapped out of it and went to their respective spaces and tried to sleep.

Amaris POV

I slowly opened my eyes and found that I was in a cave. I raised my head up, smelling the air. Something.... isn't right. I heard shuffling and looked over, seeing Bilbo packing his things.

Where is he going!?

Brining up the only energy I have, I shift back into my human form and shakily walk over to him. I put I hand on his shoulder, slightly startling him.

"Bilbo..?" I asked weakly.

"Amaris?!" he whisper-yelled. "What are you doing you shouldn't be standing right now!?"

"What are you doing?" I asked, countering. He sighed.

"I'm going back to Rivendell." He said, gripping his walking stick tighter. I tilted my head and gave him a sad look.

"To Rivendell? Why?"

"Because I don't belong here."

"Neither do I Bilbo."

He sighed and gave me a look. I looked down at my metal boots for a moment. My heart began to ache. I hadn't known Bilbo for that long, but we have become close friends. We are the two outsiders of the group.

"Alright, be careful my friend. I will see you soon." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You as well, my friend." He said, giving me a sad smile. I felt my heart heal, and break a bit at that. I had finally found a friend in this world after so long, but he was leaving.
And don't get me wrong, I consider the whole company my companions, but me and Bilbo were like siblings now.

As he walked out, I heard Bofur try to stop him as well, and I tried to ignore it. I wasn't really focusing on it anyway, my back and ribs hurt like hell. I knew it would heal quickly, but who knew how long it would take.
I walked slowly back over to my spot, and found a certain dwarf king's fur coat. In my panic to get Bilbo, I hadn't even noticed it. I smiled a bit, maybe he was having a change of heart. I wanted to believe that, and I don't even know why. It just made me a little happy knowing that he cared. Even just the smallest bit.
I picked it up and put it on. The sleeves were too long, but the length was just about right. I felt a slight heat come to my face when his scent enveloped my senses. I quickly shoved it down and laid back down in my spot, curling up.

A Dragon's Trust - Thorin x OC!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora