Chapter 27: Fluttering Hearts

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Wind.... It's hot and dry. My lungs feel like sand paper and my eyes begin to water. I'm in the middle of a grass field, standing at the edge of a cliff. And below me is... the ocean? I can hear the waves angrily crashing against the stone of the cliff. I put my arms up to try and shield myself from the wind. My hair is blown back and the force of the wind makes me take a step back.

Suddenly, my heart drops and I feel like I'm going to vomit. A dark presence looms over my head, and I'm forced to look up.

Red scales and blazing yellow eyes stare down at me. The beating of wings is so loud I feel like my ears might burst.


"You will help me destroy them.... or you will die." his mouth doesn't even move, it's like his voice is in my head. And it hurts. I whimper at the stinging pain and grab my hair, trying not pull. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to avoid his gaze.
The beating of his wings is getting louder, and I can't hear anything else besides terrified screams and the crackling of fire, my fire.
My eyes are forced open and I'm met with my mother and father, standing right in front of me. But instead of smiling at me, like they used to....
My father's jugular is hanging out of his neck, his eye torn out and bite marks all over his body. My mother has her entire stomach ripped out and part of her wing missing. And my siblings all lie dead and ripped apart on the floor.

"You did this to us Amaris. How dare you come back here after committing treason and genocide!? You are a disgrace to our people." My mother's angry voice rings in my head, and her gaze is anything but loving. I turn to my father, my eyes shot out at this point. I just... can't stop looking at the blood on the floor. And the claw marks, MY claw marks, are on their bodies.

"You're not a Night Fury...... you're not my daughter. You.... are nothing!" I fall to my knees and squeeze my head, trying to get their voices out, but it doesn't do anything. I can feel their blood soaking the dress Sigrid had given me.

"Do you honestly believe you are worth anything to those dwarves? All they think of you is a body guard and a slave; nothing more. What do you think will happen once they figure out you are no match for me?" Smaug's voice rings in my head again. I try to speak, but it's like my voice is lodged in my throat.

They wouldn't cast me out. They're my friends, my comrades. They wouldn't send me away.. right?

"If you stay with them, they will die. Isn't it ironic Amaris? Everyone you come into contact with, is bound to die. Isn't that the Night Fury legend?"

I try to scream, but nothing comes out.

"You are nothing Amaris, pathetic. You can't even protect your own family. All of this was YOUR fault! If you had never been born none of this would have happened!" My mother's angry words pound in my head again, echoing on repeat. Her eyes got more crazed... and dead looking. And it makes me realize.... that's not really her.

I growl, my eyes turning into slits. My anger and my hate take over my mind and I force myself to get off the bloody ground.

"My family would never say those things!" I heat up my palms and fire two plasma blasts at Smaug's face. "DO NOT DISHONOR THEIR MEMORY!" I scream. Images of memories with my family flash in my head, and I hear them calling my name.


"Amaris!" I look up to see Bard shaking my shoulders. Out of instinct I bare my teeth and roar at him, throwing a clawed hand at his face. He luckily backs away and tumbles to the floor.

I'm suddenly cold with the sweat and tears cooling on my back and face. And I can't seem to get a hold of my breathing.

'It's all my fault.' I close my eyes and let my tears fall freely. "I'm sorry Bard, forgive me. I didn't mean to.." I say, my voice cracking with each word. I hang my head and put my hands over my face. What am I going to do? I can't face Smaug, he'll control me into killing the company, and possibly Lake Town as well. But if I can't fulfill the only reason I'm here, I'm worthless. Dead weight. Nothing.

A Dragon's Trust - Thorin x OC!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz