Chapter 18: Battle Between Beasts

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High above the clouds, I soundlessly flew over the cliffs we were on. Azog had managed to find our trail faster than we had initially thought. In the grey clouds above me I'm nearly invisible. Not that the dumb orcs would ever guess to look in the sky. I lowly growled as I saw Azog commanding his troops from his white warg. I don't know why Gandalf won't let me incinerate them where they stand. He said, "Because if one of them escapes, or even one of his bird spies gets out alive, all of middle earth will be hunting you." Which, I guess was true. But also, I had no doubt that Azog had already placed a bounty on my head. But no one would ever come and get me, they never have.

I swiftly turned around to head back to the company. But as I did, I heard a monstrous roar in the distance where I was heading. I paused my flight, what was that? To me it sounded like... a bear?
I increased my flight speed and hurried back. I noticed Bilbo running in the mountain as well.
I landed just as he stopped running.

"How close is the pack?" asked Thorin.

"A couple of leagues, no more." said Bilbo frantically. I nodded in agreement. "But that's not the worst of it." he said. "We have another problem."

"Did they see you?" asked Gandalf. He then didn't even give Bilbo the change to answer. "They saw you!"

"No that's not it." Said Bilbo, shaking his head.

"See? It's as I told you. Quiet as a mouse, perfect burglar material!" Gandalf said. Everyone began to nod and murmur in agreement. I'm beginning to get aggravated that they aren't listening to Bilbo, ever since the warg incident a couple of weeks ago, the company has treated him better, but they still suck at being listeners. I let out a small plasma blast at the floor, gaining their attention immediately. I gestured my head to Bilbo.

"Thank you Amaris, I'm trying to tell you all that there is something else out there." he said, pointing in the distance.

"What form did it take, like a bear?" asked Gandalf, warily.

"Ye-y" he looked at Gandalf, surprised he knew what he was talking about. "Yes. But bigger, much bigger." It was silent for a moment.

"You knew about this beast?" asked Bofur. Gandalf just turned around to think for a moment. "I say we double back, or let Amaris handle it."
I shot my head up from grooming my claws.

"   I shot my head up from grooming my claws

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"And be run down by a pack of orcs? No. And I will not ask Amaris to fight so soon after-"

"There is a house, that we may take refuge." Says Gandalf, cutting everyone off.

"Whose house?" Asked Thorin skeptically. "Are they friend or foe?"

"They are neither. He will help us, or he will kill us."

Well... great. I'm just not going to question Gandalf at this point. He always knows the answer it seems.

"What choice do we have?" asked Dwalin. I looked around looking at everyone's face, if I have to fly us out of here somehow I will. Suddenly a loud roar, almost comparable to mine, echoed through the woods. Just how big is this beast?

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