Chapter 23: New Meetings and Comforting Words

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Third Person POV

Thorin grunted angrily as he's thrown into his cell by the guards. Cursed elves.
Balin immediately runs to his side at the neighboring cell.

"Did he offer you a deal?" He asked.

"He did. And I told him he could go îSH KAKHFÊ AI-D DûR-RUGNU!" He yells. "Him and all his kin!" He faces towards the cell bars to the guards can hear his every word. Balin, almost frustratedly, sighs at the dwarf prince.

"Well that's that then, a deal was our only hope."

"Not our only hope." He says, thinking of the Hobbit. Thorin sincerely hopes the little guy is okay. Over time, it seemed the hobbit has grown on him a bit.

"What of the las?" asked Balin, perking the ears of the rest of the company. Thorin paused. He didn't understand, but understood at the same time what happened in Amaris's past.

"She...." He started, not really knowing what to say, or if he should."He won't let her go, under any circumstance. Even if I were to agree to his deal, he wouldn't have set her free." He says, looking down at the ground.

"What of the roarin' then?" Asked Dwalin, crossing his arms. Thorin stays quiet and walks to the back of his cell, sitting down. He can't help but feel responsible for her getting caught; for her being in so much pain.

"Thranduil showed her the day of her species' massacre, and what really happened against her will. She was so afraid, I think that's the first time I've seen her so afraid." He says, getting quieter with each word. The company went silent. "I don't think she ever wanted to know what happened."

Thorin decided not to tell the company the whole truth, if Amaris wanted them to know, she would tell them. Thorin closes his eyes, and tried to think of anything else. A way out perhaps.

But, instead, he sees Amaris- screaming and crying in mental agony. The way she clawed out for any sort of help while he could only stand and watch. She clawed at her face, her hair, her arms- anything she could get to.
The panic and fear that was written across her face is the only thing he can see- when the arrow was shot and she fell motionless at his feet.
Thorin can't quite describe how he feels. He considers Amaris his comrade, and his friend. A loyal one at that; a powerful ally. He can say for sure he felt fear and anger when Amaris was being forced to see her past, in fear of what it would do to her. It felt like a more intense fear than what he would feel for Bofur or Nori or any of his other comrades. It was different.

"What are you thinking about laddie?" asked Balin, sitting beside him.

"She was right there Balin, right in front of me. And I could do nothing." He says, guilt starting to eat away at him. "It was my fault she got shot, it was my fault Thranduil showed her those things." He said. Balin simply nodded. "What she was shown by that elf filth, wasn't just her past, it was the truth. Something that she didn't know about. And now, I don't think she even has the will to free herself."

"I'm not going to ask what was shown to her, but since you are the only one who knows, and the one who witnessed her in her darkest hour, it is you who must convince her that she doesn't deserve eternal sentence." Says Balin. The old dwarf knows that Amaris used to feel like she didn't deserve friends or company because of her survivor's guilt. But in his eyes, Amaris deserves the world.

Thorin looked up at his old friend.

"What should I say? If I even get to speak to her again." says Thorin.

"You'll know laddie. You'll know." Thorin pauses for a moment. He hesitates, wondering if he should even bring up the subject. Thorin isn't one to talk of his feelings. But he supposed, Balin wouldn't mind.

A Dragon's Trust - Thorin x OC!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora