Chapter 1: Alone

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It's quiet..? Peaceful almost. I have a monster of a headache and the world seems like it's spinning. Almost like I'm... FLOATING!?

My eyes shoot open and I realize that I am indeed floating around in the middle of the ocean. My heart drops and I immediately try to fly out. I can't swim at all it's a miracle I didn't drown. What am I even doing here? No one is permitted to leave the Hidden World unless told to. I've never seen the sky before now.
I look up and take in the blue forever in front of me. The trees, the ocean, the grassy planes, it's so beautiful. Why did mother never let me see these things?

Where am I?

I can't remember..

I take a deep breath and and sniff the air, maybe I didn't drift too far off. It takes a moment but I finally smell something. But it's not what I was hoping for.

Smoke.. and blood!?

Flying faster, I finally see the entrance to the Hidden World and dive straight down. I hit the bottom with a loud thud and my feet have touched something... wet? It's dark, which isn't natural. Our crystals give off enough light to see for miles.
My heart drops in my stomach as I see all of the shattered and broken crystals around me. The eerie silence is making my anxiety skyrocket as it seems to get louder with each passing second.

Where is Mr. Grofort selling his salmon? Where are all of the little ones playing? Where is Mrs. Parilel scolding her toddler?

I look down and I roar.

Blood.... It's everywhere....

The ground has numerous, deep puddles everywhere and some is even splattered on the walls.
Another crystal lights up with what little power it has left, and that's when I see it.

The faces.

They're all looking at me; with such fear.

"What the hell happened here...?" I look around and some faces are detached from their bodies. Wings, claws, teeth, organs, brain matter, ..... it's everywhere.

Tears silently fall down my face in thick streams.

My home... it's gone.

I look in the chamber where all of the mothers kept their eggs, and they're all smashed and burnt. Dead before even given a chance at life. I grit my teeth in anger and move on to the other rooms.

I suppose I need to go look for my own family. Part of me doesn't even want to I'm so afraid. But if their bodies are still intact, maybe I can give them a proper funeral. I slowly fly over to my cave, lying to myself that I'm just going home from another day of babysitting Ms. Gerania's baby girl, and mom will have warm fish ready and my little brothers will try to tackle me when I walk in the door.

I reach my cave, and I just sit at the entrance. I can already see the mangled corpse of my father near the door, and mother is in the kitchen, holding my siblings bodies close. Their bodies are burnt to the point of being nearly unrecognizable.

I can't say anything.

I can't even scream.

I just sat there and cried beside their corpses for what felt like days.
I will never hear my mother scold me again, I'll never hear my father laugh again, and I'll never argue with my siblings again. I'll never get to buy treats with my friends at the overly expensive shops again, and I'll never get to talk to that one popular boy down the street that everyone always spoke about.

After a couple of days I carried what was left families's corpses on my back, and gave them a proper burial.
I took the one thing that wasn't broken and stuck it in the pocket of my armor. It's my mother's handkerchief. It's pink and embroidered with red roses on the corners. It's beautiful, just like she was.

From there I flew away to the south east and stopped at the first sign of society I could find. Hobbits they're called at this place called the Shire. They seem friendly and don't own a single weapon besides farmers' tools.

Why me? Why was I the only survivor? What did I do to deserve to live more than they did?


That was seventy years ago. And ever since that day, I have remained alone, secluded, and guilty. I still don't know who or what is responsible for the death of my species. All of Middle Earth knows of our kind, and knew to fear us, even though we have passed into legend now. Even still, the name of Night Fury, my kind, is not taken lightly. The very name is a curse in some cultures now. Mother would've found it hilarious.
I still reside on the outskirts of the Shire where I can have mild entertainment without being hunted. Hobbits I've noticed over the years don't particularly look for trouble, so they just complain about the things I do and pass it off as bad luck. An added plus is they have some of the best fish, and I have not yet once seen an eel in their tiny lakes and rivers.

I haven't made any friends, but I don't really want to. Every time I think about it, I'm overwhelmed with guilt and grief. I don't deserve to have friends or relationships, I don't deserve to be happy. Why should I be when the rest of my species died and I didn't go with them? I don't have much of a purpose anymore. But I can't help this feeling of longing I get every once in a while to not be lonely anymore. Perhaps I truly am selfish.
I pull out the handkerchief from my pocket and sigh.

Is this what my mother would've wanted? What my father would've wanted? My siblings, my friends?
Do I deserve to be alone?

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