"Everyone is now in favor of our new company, which will be called WISEONE*Entertainment after our fandom's name. I will communicate our desire to break off our contract under WM, everything shall be finalized by the end of this quarter and I shall let everyone know of our next steps. Meanwhile, our last album would still push through and another single aside from the last album will be released independently as our unit collab with Pepsi Max ad, as well as another independent single called D-D-Dance is already in the works prior to this company being sold to RBA. So those last two including the collab song we still have to do those." She replied to us. 

After our meeting we ate heartily, no one seemed to be so shocked about the move Chaeyeon did, everyone of us was aware of the talks about WM being sold off to RBA, we came to accept it prior to us knowing. So it wasn't a surprise anymore, but how Chaeyeon was wise enough to get our trademarks in advance, I wouldn't have thought of it, usually when a group moves to a different company, they would really have to rename themselves, especially if some wanted to go on another direction. I was grateful that we could still promote under the same name and our fandom would still stay the same. Chaeyeon proves to be the most loyal and efficient leader of our team. After our dinner, we all went home to continue discussing our next steps. It scares me to think that we might not make it out in another company. That perhaps we were doomed should we decide on leaving WM. But, I trusted Chaeyeon and she will get us bouncing up from the loss of our management label, everyone would support her and when I say everyone, I mean it. She had that certain confidence in the team, her vision for us was always bigger than WM could handle. She taught us how to synchronize our performances, she was thorough about us moving as one. She was the strictest when it came to our performances. We can stand in front of everyone and be proud because we are the only team who has 97% dance synchronization and the only team currently in the 4th Generation of K-Pop to have self-produced, self-composed and self-written all our songs in all of our releases from Debut up until this last single D-D-Dance was ours. It was our brain child, every song was written out of so much love for our WHIZONEs. Our fandom are the best people I've met, they always brought tears to my eyes because of their lovely words of support and encouragement. I knew that whatever decision we made be it staying and waiting or going on to establish our paths as artists and producers in a different company they will be by our side. It just scares me to think that there was a possibility of failing.

Chaewon must've felt my swirling emotions of fear, losing our company and label and doing stuff all over again that she held me in an embrace right after we retired for the day. No words were said, sometimes not saying a word speaks louder than any other words one could say. She hums a song that I wrote for JoYuRiz Unit, Parallel Universe it was yet to be released in an album, we were working on it together with Ducky Unnie. I made the melody and the two were working in tandem in writing the lyrics to this song. Her warm embrace engulfing me as she hums. Her arms toned and a little muscular as she started to exercise over the span of a year, it was something she did to divert her energy into something more productive instead of wallowing in her loss, she asked me to exercise and so I did too but I only did treadmill, some pull ups or any other ab workout to keep my tummy flat. Anything else I couldn't do, because as Chaewon teases me and labels me as Princess Brat. Kku Eomma joined her in those exercises, both now has toned arms and Kku Eomma now has the coveted 11 figure abs. It was funny how Kku Eomma's arms were even more muscular than Chaeyeon's. Chaewon, Yunjin and Kku Eomma were gym buddies, Yunjin was a former WM Trainee who was friends with our Seri Eomma, the two were Instagram Friends, Seri Eomma used to have an Instagram following of five thousand people, she was popular as the Goth Anime looking girl who dances to K-Pop, she covered around 150 songs in her stint as an online celebrity, Huh Yunjin was her fan, she slid into her DMs forming a bond, Yunjin lived in Rural New York, while Seri Eomma was from Oklahoma. When they finally met was here at WM, in the canteen of all places. Yunjin has since trained under Pledis, then moved to SM Entertainment, the girl could sing opera style as in her younger years she had been originally training to become an Opera Singer, she loved music and music was something she wielded as a sword and armor, she wishes to conquer and change the Korean Entertainment Industry as she always talked about. We've become friends because of Seri Eomma and we would always jam to music we both wrote and composed. Some slow and dramatic ballads and some happy dance tracks, the girl could rap apart from belting Whitney Houston hits, her style was what we called the 'Huh Music' a genre of rap ballad and traditional opera with a dash of sassy rhythm and blues and a sprinkle of husky tones. It was her genre and even Kku Eomma loved her style of music. She heard our random tapes we recorded on our mobile phones. I had them sorted in recent years and wanted to sample some beats for production of some songs. Something I already asked permission from Yunjin and she delighted at the fact that probably one of her beats would be included in an IZ*ONME song. She was just happy to have her beats included in a song.

Chaewon stayed wrapping me in her arms as she finishes humming the melody I composed. After humming she places a kiss on my forehead and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Trust in Chaeyeon, she will never do us wrong, so please calm your heart and mind, I will make sure to be with you every step of the way as we navigate towards a new beginning under WISEONE. It'll get better soon, I promise." She whisprs to me.

"I'm just scared to begin again. What if we lose in the end?" I replied to her.

"We rebuild and rise again. No way but up, we can't simply live and wait for our luck. We have to go somewhere and I'm sure you trust Chaeyeon that's why you raised your hand and I think this is your pessimistic side taking over." She replied.

We both softly laughed at myself, it was absurd to think about the worst things that could happen especially since we've been through a lot by now and we've gone through everything with grace and have set ourselves up as a team who can do anything and everything under the sun. We could do this surely, I had confidence in Chaeyeon and the team. Besides, Chaewon was right and ifwe failed we can go back up, begin again and climb up the ladder or mountain depending on how steep things are, WHIZONEs will always love us and our direction and trajectory. What matters now is to be happy and satisfied with my work.


Thank you for reading this chapter and remember to spread light and love!


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