He knocked on it and hummed "Why try to resist me? You know I can easily get in..." he said. I limped back from the door collapsing on the floor. I crawled back from the door hitting a wall. He then started humming something new... 

"oh... My sunshine you shine so bright... You would brighten up the world with your delight..." he hummed. I then saw the door that kept him out. Crumble down decaying... I bit my lip from the pain. 

He crept towards me slowly his hands touching the desks before him. With his touch, the desks crumbled down into a decaying mud... They then turned into the black Gue I saw that held Lucy's corpse up.

He then was right above me. I breathed out heavily... I never thought I would ever be this terrified in my life... He had a grin on his face. He kneeled down to my height on the floor. "Don't worry... I won't kill you..." he said.

I gave a confused look as he gave a more of a gentle smile. He then looked to the wall to the right of us. "Hmm... We will have to talk on later terms..." he said as stood back up. He backed away from me until he was at the once doors place. 

"I'll see you soon, sunshine..." he said as he then walked away down the right hallway. As he did something broke the glass. I flinched back, breathing heavily I was panicked and confused... Not the best mix of emotions.

I then looked to see Quackity and Wilbur... What the fuck? Wilbur was the first to spot me he rushed towards me. Then Quackity saw me and rushed to me as well. "Are you alright, Love?" Wilbur said as he inspected my body. 

"D-do I look fucking fine?" I stuttered at the beginning. The pain coursed through me. I groaned in pain, I felt like crying but kept it in. I felt my vision blurring the pain becoming unbearable... "Shh, it's ok we got you now sweetheart..." Quackity said. 

I felt arms pick me up... I felt my eyes begin to close... My breathing slowed down. "Just go to sleep... You will feel better when you wake up..." I heard a voice say to me. But I didn't know which of the two said it. I felt the darkness take over... Then I was out like a light.

(With Wilbur and Quackity back five hours ago)

"What do we do with this body?" Quackity said inspecting the body of Angel. "Blow it up," Wilbur said with a menacing tone to it. "Hmm sounds fun," Quackity said as Quackity brought the corpse to an open field. 

Wilbur then placed down some explosives. They both backed away from the corpse and the explosives. Wilbur threw his lit cigarette at it. Then Boom the corpse exploded sending a blood of rain to come down. 

Wilbur had his crazed smile while Quackity had a grin. "Finally, his ass is out of the picture..." Wilbur said. Quackity nodded in agreement. "Now let's get rid of the other little bitch..." Wilbur said as he started walking back to Y/n's apartment. Quackity followed right beside him.

(30 minutes later)

As they both made it back to Y/n's apartment they noticed two things. The whole apartment had been destroyed... It looked like a zombie apocalypse had happened. The second one was Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

"What the fuck happened here..." Quackity said inspecting the whole apartment. "Something" Wilbur said poking at the decayed wall. "Whoever did this... Must have done this to the wall and killed Angel..." Wilbur said.

"Did they take Y/n?" Quackity said. "Probably not..." Wilbur said as he looked around. "The place is destroyed but there is no sign of a struggle..." he added. "How the fuck can you tell-" Quackity was saying but got cut off by Wilbur.

"We need to find Rosana she will know where she is..." Wilbur. "I don't know if your little brain forgot but were villains" Quackity said. Wilbur's eyes went into thinking "well let's see if Rosana is a good friend or not..." Wilbur said.

Quackity nodded as he kicked off some of the black Gue on his shoe. Wilbur walked towards the apartment door and Quackity stepped back. "Ladies first" Quackity said making Wilbur roll his eyes.

(1 hour later)

They both had made it to Rosana's house. They saw her through her window she appeared to be cooking. Quackity knocked on the front door. Which Rosana left her little cooking station and went to the front door. 

She opened it with a big smile "Hello-" she started to say but her smile left. Fear entered her eyes as the two villains gave a smile to her. "Do you know where Y/n is" Wilbur said as he smoked his cigarette.

She quickly tried to close the door. Quackity put his foot in the door "just tell us" Quackity said. The two pushed inside the house, Rosana backing away. "W-why..." she stuttered out terrified. "You don't need an explanation" Wilbur said annoyed.

"I-I won't tell you!" she said trying to sound serious. Wilbur gave a grin and said "tell us or we will nicely blow up your little house with you inside it." Rosana looked to Quackity which he said "he will trust me." She gulped as the two stared at her.

(4 hours later)

"I can't believe it took her that long to tell us..." Quackity said. Wilbur seemed really annoyed. "I really wish we could of blown up her house" Wilbur said. Throwing his cigarette to the ground stomping on it.

"We need to find Y/n. We can blow up her house later" Quackity said with a smile. Wilbur returned the smile as the two were now off to the police station.

(30 minutes later)

As Wilbur and Quackity were talking they had made it to the police station. But when they saw the police station. It looked rough... Decaying down... Glass everywhere... The two ran until they saw a window that Y/n was in. 

They saw another person as well there. The person looked back at them, then back to Y/n. Quackity and Wilbur rushed to the police stations doors. Trying to get in but it wouldn't budge. They both ran to the window Y/n was in.

The person that was kneeling above Y/n was gone. Wilbur and Quackity busted open the window. They rushed to Y/n seeing if she was alright... They saw how damaged she was... It was surprising to see that they seemed really worried...

Wilbur kneeled down to Y/n. "Are you alright, Love?" he asked, and Y/n said "D-do I loom fucking fine?" Wilbur still had his worried look. Quackity kneeled down and started looking over her wounds. Y/n groaned in pain. "Shh it's ok, we got you now sweetheart..." Quackity said.

Then Wilbur picked up Y/n and started carrying her out of the building. They needed to get her back to their base so they could get her bandaged up. Y/n had passed out in Wilbur's arms. 

(Present time with Y/n)

I groan awake I felt pain but not too bad of pain. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in a bedroom. Actually, the bedroom I stayed in at Wilbur and Quackity's. I saw that my leg was bandaged up. I then saw my waist was as well. 

I put my hand on my head and felt bandages. I sighed and then noticed I was only wearing shorts and a bra. I groaned in annoyance. Those fuckers...

Well in least they helped me. I sat up but regrated it instantly. I felt pain shoot up me and I almost screamed in pain. "Oh... Fuck..." I say breathlessly. I layed back down and then started to remember yesterday. Raven Claws... He- I felt my energy leave me again...

I felt my eyes start to close and myself start to fade into darkness... What did Raven Claws want to talk about...? the last thing I thought before the darkness took me once again...

(author) OMG OMG I really liked this chapter... TY FOR READING GUYS!!! I LUV YOU SM GUYS (platonically) <333

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