Double Kill

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You awoke to the morning announcement but you couldn't bring yourself to leave you room. The recent events with Kyoko, Celestia and your long nights of restless, uneasy sleep left you exhausted. Both emotionally and physically exhausted, everything was taking it's toll on you.

Choosing to stay in your room, you tried to fall back asleep, even if it were just for a short amount of time. You couldn't bring yourself to go to breakfast, you couldn't bring yourself to face Kyoko or Celestia or anyone for that matter. You didn't feel like talking to anyone after what Celestia said it was clear that another murder wouldn't be far away. You didn't want to be a victim, or get close to anyone who may be the next victim or blackened. You couldn't trust anyone anymore.
As you tried to fall back asleep the sound of your doorbell startled you. If you ignored it they'd go away, you tried pulling the pillow over your ear to drown out the sound as they rang again. You ignored it again still trying to sleep.

However the excessive ringing of your doorbell that followed made it  impossible. Would they believe you weren't there? Probably not. If anything one might assume you're dead. Dragging yourself out of the bed you opened the door meeting the person you least expected to see.

"Glad you're alive F/N you had us all worried", Makoto said a look of relief on his face.

"Yeah well I am so was that all?", you probably came off as incredibly rude but you didn't have the patience nor the will to be polite right now.

"I suppose so. Taka was missing this morning so I'm going to check on him now... Have you spoken with Kyoko recently?", the sudden question caught you off guard and Kyoko was the last person you wanted think about. Or last before Celestia.

"What's it to you?"

"Sorry I shouldn't of asked. She just looked kind of upset this morning, but then again she always has an unreadable face", he rambled.

"Well I haven't seen her... nor taka", you continued but before you could shut the door makoto grabbed your arm.

"I don't know what's happened F/N, but we need to find Taka", he continued. Giving in you knew that Makoto wouldn't stop pestering you until you helped.
You were confident Taka would be dead, he had fallen into a bad depressive state after Mondos death you were sure he wouldn't bounce back from that, yet you were proven wrong when he discovered alter ego. It was as if his entire personality had changed. Although he suddenly got better, you felt this would likely lead to his demise. He was even more unbearable to be around in his new state so you did your best to avoid him.

Leaving your dorm you began searching doing your best to avoid the others. You didn't feel like talking to anyone and there were too many people you dreaded seeing. Searching the art room, you found yourself distracted by some of the old pieces collecting dust.  Before you could continue your search, a sudden voice brought a chill up your spine.

"Rather mediocre isn't it?", Celestia teased joining you in looking at the art. You felt her place a cold hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrugged off.

"What's wrong with you darling?", she questioned slightly taken back by your sudden coldness.

"Aren't you worried about Taka?", you asked leaving the room with her hot on your heels.

"Of course I am. But why worry so much? We're gonna find him", she continued trying to calm you.

"Yeah we'll find him dead", you muttered leaving Celestia behind. You knew you had to pretend to be in love with her. But that was growing more difficult by the moment.

You continued wandering the empty halls, when the dreaded announcement sounded over the school. The body discovery announcement. You continued wandering trying to find the others or find the body.  You still didn't know who was dead considering the only people you'd seen today were Makoto and Celestia. Your heart sank for a moment. What if it was Kyoko? No Makoto said he saw her today, there were only a few people missing... you tried to reassure yourself but the anxiety still continued to fester.
"Hey, F/N you lost?", Aoi asked leaving one of the classrooms.

"A little", you replied not sure where anyone really was. She gestured for you to follow leading you back to the art room where everyone was gathered. Glancing through the now open door to the storage room you saw Taka, a bloody wound on his head, hifumi lay lifeless not far away. The mallet that bludgeoned the two discarded carelessly at hifumis side the blood staining the blue weapon.

You felt sick, you'd seen some gruesome scenes in this hell of a place. But this was the first double kill and there would still be a blackened. Part of you couldn't believe it, how could someone kill two people? Why would they kill two people? Unless they were forced. Or maybe you were in a school full of murderers.

You left the scene for a moment you heard the others discussing what had happened, but you were so far behind you struggled to keep up with the conversation, they were talking about body discovery announcements, murder weapons and you had no clue what was known and what wasn't. Stepping into the desolate hallway you wandered the empty school, it seemed the only person you hadn't seen today was Kyoko and Yasuhiro. Could kyoko have killed them? Now she's in hiding to avoid being caught? No. Thats not like her, she wouldn't kill anyone. Not for money anyway.

You began wandering the school searching for Kyoko. As much as you had wanted to avoid her, given the circumstances you wanted to know she was safe. If two people were dead, there could still be a chance that there were more.

The school became more eerie the less people were around. Now that you were totally alone it felt like death awaited around every corner. As you wandered the halls you were suddenly pulled into a room, but before you could scream your mouth was covered.

"Don't scream", a familiar voice whispered. Pulling away from her grasp you were shocked to be met with Kyoko.

"What do want?", you asked. You were still a little hurt by how she reacted the other day.

"Look. I wanted to say I'm sorry", she spoke.
"Did you kill them?", you questioned shocked by her sudden apology

"No. No I didn't kill them, I'm apologising for how I reacted the other day. I know you were trying to protect us", she explained.

You hesitated a moment before answering slightly lost for words.

"So you trust me now?", you asked earning a nod from her.

"It seems like you're one of the only ones here I trust", she replied

"And you know there's easier ways of getting my attention rather than pulling me into random classrooms", you added in a joking manner earning a slight chuckle from Kyoko.

"I'll keep that in mind"

Maybe things were going to go back to normal. Or as normal as they could be in a killing school.

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