Mondo Butter

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It was mondo... He'd killed chihiro.

"What are you saying Mondo would never do that!" Taka yelled having faith in his best friend

"Tell them Mondo!" He continued, yet mondo simply stared at the ground not moving a muscle

"Deny it. TELL THEM YOU DIDNT DO IT GOD DAMN IT", Taka yelled with tears now in his eyes.
He left his podium grabbing Mondo and shaking him.

"Tell me you didn't do it" Taka yelled once more before he spoke.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to kill the little dude" He whispered as you saw a few tears fall from his eyes.

"He wanted to work out together... And I killed him" he continued the tears falling faster now as he looked around the room. You could see the regret and sorrow in his eyes, now Taka was also crying, he was about to lose his best friend.

"Why. Why would you do that. I loved you Mondo", Taka continued feeling helpless with the current situation.

"Alright that's enough of the sappy shit, cast your votes I'm getting bored" Monokuma yelled pulling you all back to reality.

You each cast your vote feeling almost sorry for Mondo, he may have killed someone but he showed clear remorse and guilt... He accepted his death because of his actions.
Taka returned to his podium and cast his vote.

"You have all voted for Mondo, this conclusion is... CORRECT, though there is one vote for byakuya, majority wins"

"Why would you do that?" This time Mondo was yelling at Taka.
"I admitted, why would you risk your life", but Taka couldn't respond.

"ITS PUNISHMENT TIME", the sadistic bear yelled pulling Mondo away from the group.

This execution was completely different. Mondo was strapped to a motorbike before a large motorbike spherical cage. Monokuma started the bike before jumping off leaving mondo on the bike alone.

It went around and around and around quickly increasing speed, it was horrifyingly hypnotic he continued speeding up as electricity was added to the metal cage. He spun for a few more minutes before there was bright flash of light and the bike fell to the ground... Empty. A nearby machine lit up realeasing a product with the words "Mondo Butter" written on it and a clearly edited photo of mondo holding buttered bread.

He turned him into butter ... You felt sick to your stomach... Safe to say you wouldn't be eating any of the prepared food for a little while. You couldn't even imagine how Taka was feeling he crept back to his room without a word to anyone.

You had a few minutes left before night time. You went to the bath house as if the water will wash away the events of today. You sat alone at one end of the bath while Celestia sat at the other end of the large bath, you gave her small wave, which she returned.

You felt almost caged by how you felt, you liked Kyoko and you were sure she liked you. Yet Celestia also seems to like you, as more than friend. No you like kyoko... you were sure of it. After a short period of time Kyoko joined you. She glared daggers at Celestia before entering the bath.

"How are you feeling?", She asked placing her hand on top of yours under the water.

"I don't really know, worried, shocked I guess" you replied, you honestly weren't sure how you felt with mondo, chihiro. Leon, Sayaka. Celestia, Kyoko. None of it you just... Weren't sure.

"Thats alright, I'm sure we'll work Everything out alright", she continued squeezing your hand.

You sat together for a few more minutes. This entire time Celestia had been staring at the two of you.

"I should get going, come by my room if you feel like it ok", Kyoko said before pulling your face to hers giving you a quick kiss, while she glared at Celestia as if claiming what was "hers" and then leaving. Celestia was not happy and then also stormed out of the room.

This could go very bad, for all you know Celestia could try to kill Kyoko. Why would Kyoko do that, until now she's been keeping your. Relationship? Quiet the onlys people knowing being you and her. Was she trying to make Celestia jealous? If she's not careful, she'll get herself killed.

You then also left the bath house and got changed before returning to the dormitories. All you could think about was Kyoko and Celestia, she could be in danger. You reached for your door handle but thought for a moment.
You lightly knocked at the door, at first there was no response so you knocked slightly louder. This time she opened the door.

"Y/N? You're actually here" Kyoko greeted inviting you into her room.

"If you don't mind... Can I stay here tonight?" You asked

"Of course", she replied taking your hand and sitting on the bed.

You knew you liked Kyoko, Celestia may have been nice, but was only there when she felt like it. Kyoko was always there when you needed her and you were there when she needed you.

"I'm sorry", you whispered feeling tears begin to well in your eyes.

"I'm so sorry", you continued Kyoko looked shocked, almost scared.

"Why what's wrong", she asked placing her hand on your shoulder.

"Celestia kissed me today", you whispered almost ashamed.

Kyoko didn't seem surprised

"Did you kss her back?", She asked

"No I just. Froze all I could think of was you"

Kyoko pulled you into a hug kissing your forehead.

"Thats all I needed to hear. Celestia confronted me earlier about the bath house. She claimed you were hers, but what you've said now clearly proves otherwise", Kyoko explained

You nodded slightly still firmly in her arms. She pulled away from the hug pulling you into a kiss wrapping her arms around you and tangling her hands in your hair.

Her soft lips seemed to dance with hers the way her hands touched your back and slightly pulled your hair drove you crazy. You wanted to stay like that forever. An abrupt knock at the door pulled you two apart, it was already night time why was someone out?

Kyoko got up to check but you stopped her by taking her hand.

"What if it's Celestia?", You asked fearfully.

"I can guarantee it's not", she replied continuing to the door. Just to be safe she peered out the peephole before letting in the visitor... Makoto

"We need to talk"

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