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It seemed that Aoi had spoken to Alter ego while you were on the third floor. Based off her statement it seemed that you were revealing chihiros creation to the others.

Not to sound paranoid but you weren't sure it was a good idea, Taka was clearly not in his right mind... Hell most people were still recovering from the loss of Chihiro and Mondo and now "surprise we found this computer and it's pretty much Chihiro"... It just didn't seem right. Then again it didn't seem right to hide this from the others either.

One things certain you didn't want to be there for that reveal. The last thing everyone needed was to think that you and aoi were "plotting" together. Aoi was better with the others, you may have been the ultimate liar but not many people believed you when you told the truth. It was the price you had to pay.
Using a similar excuse to aoi you decided to fake being sick you didn't want any involvement.

You sat in your room, staring at the wall was more boring than you thought. Letting your imagination wander didn't last long as the plainess of your room and absurdity of your situation constantly reminding you of where you were and what you were doing.

It wouldn't be long before Monokuma provided a new motive. These motives were becoming more and more frequent. It were as if he too wanted everything to be over, but his way of getting there was to have everyone kill each other rather than you let you all go.
With each passing day you grew more used to your environment. You couldn't deny you missed your life outside this school. You missed your brother, your old school, your old life.

An abrupt knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts. You felt your heart flutter for a moment with the anticipation of it being Kyoko.
However the sudden announcement that played ruined the moment. Just as you had suspected Monokuma was calling everyone back for another motive.
No one had time to even recover from  the last two deaths before this psychotic bear wanted everyone to kill each other again. Opening your door, there was no one there. However a small bunch of flowers sat on the ground in a vase. You looked around, but the hallway was empty. The flowers themselves looked... fine.
They were quite beautiful, surely no one would try to kill you with flowers before hearing the new motive. Just to be safe though you took the flowers and placed them in your bathroom.

Making your way to the auditorium you were met with the usual scene, mostly everyone having gathered already. Aoi quickly rushed to your side upon seeing you enter.

"How are you feeling now F/N?", she asked referring to your sudden "sickness"

"Still pretty bad. But a little better", you replied still keeping sickness as a believable excuse if you needed one.

You shot a glance at Kyoko who watched you intensely but kept her distance. She was always so distant when it came to public places, unless with Celestia. When with her Kyoko was more than happy to be physically affectionate. It was quite obvious there was a jealousy aspect, but she knew you loved her and her alone.

But you couldn't spend anymore time hyperfixating on Kyokos protective measures as Monokuma began to explain the new motive.
You were filled with nerves. You'd already considered killing because of your secret, now you were terrified of what he was going to throw at you.

Money... money?!

How crazy was this bear? All his motives up until now had been so... tempting. They were fuelled by emotion and the things we feared most. But money? Was he running out of ideas?

Makoto of course was the one to voice what everyone was thinking. How crazy would we have to be to kill for money?

This motive did nothing for you. Of course everyone wanted money. Everyone wanted to be set for life... if they survived this hell of course. But would anyone kill for it? Besides if you survived, you guys would practically be celebrities. The moment you got out you'd be able to get the police here. They could check the cameras and then there would be lawsuits which you guys would all win with the amount of evidence.

Now all you had to do was survive to get out of here. Maybe you should get something for self defence, of course that's what led to Sayakas death. But you weren't planning a murder. Even if you were you wouldn't be stupid about it.

Returning to your room you knew you were being followed. Not just in the way of people just trying to get to their rooms, but someone following you.
Shooting a glance over your shoulder, you did your best to not look paranoid.
You made eye contact with Kyoko and you felt your heart flutter you continued walking back to your room, Kyoko following closely behind. Once outside your room you took her hand quickly pulling her inside placing a kiss on her lips.

"I missed you too", she chuckled before returning the kiss pulling you in close.

"By the way thanks for the flowers", you whispered breaking apart from the kiss for a moment. This statement made Kyoko freeze. Her entire body grew tense.

"Flowers? What flowers?", she asked her face riddled with concern as her arms left your waist.

"The flowers you dropped off earlier?", you further reinforced hoping to remind her. Her sudden reaction made you feel slightly anxious.

"Y/N I didn't leave any flowers", she explained now looking genuinely concerned.
You felt your heart begin to race with worry. Maybe these flowers were of Ill intent. Maybe they were poisoned.

Kyoko picked up on your nerves.
"Show me these flowers", she said placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Nodding in response you showed her the flowers in the bathroom, they looked exactly how you'd left them.

Who else would leave you flowers? Why would anyone other than Kyoko leave you flowers? On another note how would they even get in here? They were fresh flowers, did they come in with the food?
Millions of questions ran through your mind. As Kyoko wasted no more time discarding the bouquet.

"Y/N don't accept anything unless you're certain it's from me. Things are too risky with this new motive", her concern was genuine and not just fuelled by jealousy as you had first assumed.

But the origin of these flowers still worried you. Could they have come from Celestia? You couldn't wrap your head around any of this.

So not the best chapter guys but Wattpad has started harassing me to finish this story. So here's a new chapter I'm currently working on other fics at the moment none of which have left the drafts yet. Things are really busy rn as it always is but now more than ever.
Anyway new chapter some details may change so sorry about that.

Unlikely Duo~Kyoko KirigiriWhere stories live. Discover now