Smooth like butter

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This killer is sick, most are, but this one even more so. Just looking at how they left chihiros body suspended in the air with an extension cord with the words blood lust written in blood.

'what's going to stop them from killing again', you thought as the investigation began

You didn't know where to begin, so you began looking around for the dumbbells surely if one had been used to kill chihiro, then one should be missing. You approached the rack and counted 20 dumbbells, 'odd why would they have 21 in each locker room... Why not just 20?' you thought.

"Hey yasuhiro, would you mind checking how many dumbbells are in the boys locker room"

'he probably wasn't the best choice, I don't know if he can even count'

"Sure thing F/N", he said doing a small salute before running to the boys locker room.

A few minutes passed before he returned with a proud look on his face, "I counted a total of 19 dumbbells", he announced

"Are you sure? Can you count again?"

"Nope he is 100 percent correct the boys locker room only has 19 dumbbells", Hifumi chimed in

This confirmed that the killer was a male, but how would they get into the girls locker room unless... unless chihiro let them in, but why would she do that?

"F/N, I see you've noticed the amount of dumbbells. Why don't we work together?", Celestia asked

You agreed to this, and you both left the locker room, the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of celestias shoes on the tiled floors, everyone had split up to search for clues.

"So F/N, I've noticed you and Kyoko have been together... A lot. What's going on there? I've barely seen you", Celestia said as you continued down the hall, her question shocked you a little, 'has she really been paying that much attention?'

"Oh sorry Celestia, with everything going on I've just been a bit off, I'm sure everyone is and Kyokos just been helping me I guess. She's a good friend", you replied you didn't want to be just Kyokos friend you don't think Kyoko wanted to just be friends either. No one else needed to know that though.

"Just friends you say?", Celestia continued before entering the empty library.

You began searching separately for any clues, 'why would Celestia bring me to the library for clues'

"F/N come over here", she called

Celestia stood at an open drawer... Filled with extension cords.

"I'm sorry you lost me, what's this for?", You asked

"Remember what chihiro was strung up with?"

It took you a moment before it clicked
"An extension cord!"

"Correct, so whoever's been spending time in the library, is our culprit", she stated pointing out the single unplugged lamp sitting on a table.

"Celestia you're a genius"

"Tell me something I don't know", she chuckled taking your hand and leading you to the back of the library, she put a finger up to her lips signalling for you to be quiet.

There was a hidden room at the back of the library and faint voices could be heard within.

You both peeked into the room finding Makoto and byakuya before Celestia lead you away again.

"Do you'd think one of them did it?", You asked

"I don't know, but I do know that byakuya is up to no good". There was a brief pause before she continued "Listen I haven't told anyone else this yet, but I saw chihiro before she was murdered"

"You what?!" She put a finger to your lips to silence you quickly

"Look I know, that makes me seem like a major suspect, but we've already reached the conclusion the killer is male. Correct"

You nodded

"I think this could be a double blackened. No way would byakuya be able to lift that weight, yet he was the only person who used an extension cord".

"Is that even allowed?", You asked, shortly after the words left your mouth the black and white bear appeared.

"Double blackened are absolutely allowed in this killing game, however I shall warn you only the person who does the deed can leave the school, you get that. Work together all you want only the killer gets out alive", Monokuma explained in his obnoxiously loud voice before disappearing again

You were positive that Makoto and byakuya had heard, both you and Celestia quickly left the library, last thing you guys needed were to become suspects. You ducked into one of the empty classrooms hiding against the wall,

"Do you think someone saw us?" Makoto asked

"It's possible, but did you hear what the bear said? Double blackened" byakuya replied

"I'm willing to bet that the two people in the library killed chihiro... But only ones going to survive" Makoto continued as his voice faded away

You stayed silent for a minute longer until you no longer heard their footsteps.

"That was clos-", you began but was cut of by Celestias lips on yours, she tangled her hands unit hair pulling you close.

You froze, all you could think about was Kyoko.

"If I die today, I want to have no regrets", she whispered before leaving you alone in the classroom.

'I should've told her Kyoko and I are more than friends, but that would just stick a target on her back... Why'd this school have to be so confusing', you thought overthinking what had just happened.

"Well students, the time has come for our second class trial please meet at the same location as out previous trial" Monokuma announced over the speakers.

You made your way to the meeting spot, you felt so guilty you liked Kyoko, you didn't push Celestia away though. You didn't know what to do.

You met with the rest of the class and almost immediately Kyoko noticed something was wrong, but she didn't say anything, she just squeezed your hand before entering the elevator.

Gonna be posting decently often this week cuz I'm sick and have way too much free time.❤️❤️

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