Birthday Special

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October 1st

"I don't know what to do aoi", you said feeling stressed with the rapid approach of Kyokos birthday. The small coffee shop that you visited with aoi was reasonably quiet, with the Autumn weather you had expected more people to be out and about.

"You guys have been dating for what? Three? Four years now? I'm sure whatever you do she will be happy with", aoi replied calmly

"That still doesn't help", You replied. The previous years with Kyoko had been great after graduating you rented a small apartment in Towa together, with the help of your brother. You didn't get to see Kyoko as often as you had hoped, as you went to different colleges, you would only see each other in the morning and evening on days you had classes.

"Sorry aoi, I got a class in 20 minutes, I should get going", you told aoi as you both began to grab your things. You quickly paid and made your way to train station.

October 2nd

"I don't have any classes today, how about you?", Kyoko said as she sipped her coffee.

"My only class was cancelled today", you replied as you poured yourself a coffee/tea.

"Why don't we do something today?it's not often we both have a day off", Kyoko said finishing off her coffee.

"That sounds great what do you want to do?", You replied Kyoko thought for a moment.

"Why don't we go the mall, I've got to get more books for school and... I've noticed you keep wearing mismatched socks", Kyoko replied trying to hide a laugh pointing out your mismatched socks.

"They just vanish, I don't know what happens", you joked.


After buying what you needed, you and Kyoko walked around shops taking mental notes of what Kyoko liked. 

"Hey look at that dress, it's like the one you wore on our first date", you pointed out.

"Yeah, it started raining that day and we ended up getting soaked", Kyoko laughed thinking of the memory.

"I've got photos of that day somewhere, I'll find them when we get home", you replied that's when you got the best idea for Kyokos birthday present.

October 3rd

While Kyoko was at her morning class, you went through the photo albums looking for your first date with Kyoko. You had taken her to the park for a picnic but after an hour it started pouring rain. You had to get back to the nearest bus shelter, since Kyoko lived far away you offered to let her stay with you for the night which she accepted.


"Please go out with me", you said. It was a Friday before your graduation to class 3A and you weren't sure if you would be in the same class as Kyoko.

Kyoko states silent for a moment before smiling "sounds good", she replied before writing something on your hand and leaving.

You were almost frozen in shock not only had she agreed to go out with you, but she was standing so close, your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest. When you finally looked at your hand you Kyoko had written her phone number.

You had laid out the picnic blanket along with a few things you had cooked the night before. "I'm here", a text read on your phone from Kyoko.

You had never seen Kyoko outside of her uniform, but you never expected to see her in a dress. You felt a little heat rise to your cheeks but tried to ignore it.

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