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Following the routine you quickly got ready before making your way to the dining hall.
You were a little late so you mentally prepared yourself for a lecture from taka.
Upon entering the room it felt empty, five students were... Gone and three were missing.

You were prepared for a lecture that never came, taka himself seemed to be like a corpse. The darkened eyebags told you how much sleep he got, his face seemed to be frozen in the expression of shock and terror, maybe even a little sadness.

"He's been like this all morning... Because of mondo", Makoto whispered the last part to you. Giving a slight nod you glanced around the room taking note of who was missing, byakuya and Toko hadn't showed up, which wasn't much of a surprise, your heart dropped when you realise the third missing student.

Where's Aoi?

You scanned the room panic rising in your chest, after what happened last night, surely she wouldn't leave her room or open the door after that right?

"Where is everyone?", You half whispered to Kyoko who stood toward the back of the dining hall.

"Toko hasn't left her room, byakuya is probably in the library", she replied

"...and Aoi?", You added Kyoko remained silent, taking her lack of response for an answer it was obvious she had no clue where she was.

"Aoi has a stomach ache, so she's just staying in her room for a bit", Sakura chimed in joining your conversation.

You gave a nod of understanding taking notice of the sullen mood all around. Since your numbers for meeting up were so low, the meeting concluded quickly sending everyone on their way.

Most of the others went upstairs, most likely to see if a new floor had opened up. You slipped away from the group making your way to Aois room. Ringing the doorbell you waited to see if she was ok.
Aoi opened her door the second she realised who it was, she grabbed your arm pulling you inside her room. Quickly shutting the door behind you.

"Is everything... Ok?", You asked Aoi who was pacing around the room, you quickly gathered her stomach ache was a lie to get out of breakfast.

"I don't know what do", she rambled
"I want to make the others aware of alter ego but... What if something bad happens. I mean they have a right to know", she continued stopping her pacing to look at you.

"What do you think?", She added looking at you almost pleadingly.

You hesitated a moment before answering, thinking through your answer.
"I think we should ask alter ego. If they think it's too risky we'll have to keep hiding them"

Aoi let out a sigh of relief at your reply, she agreed on the idea.

The two of you began making your way to the bathhouse before meeting a familiar face.

"Aren't you exploring the third floor
F/N?", She questioned nonchalantly. Kyoko had just returned from a rather brief investigation of the new floor. Before turning her gaze to Aoi.

"'s your stomach ache?", she added the two of you must've looked incredibly guilty as if you'd just killed someone.

"I'm feeling a bit better now", Aoi smiled

"I was just making sure she was ok", you added.
There was a brief pause before Kyoko continued.

"Ok then, F/N come with me there's something you should see on the third floor.", Kyoko continued pulling you along with her.

Your mind was racing what was on the third floor that was so important.
Making it up the final flight of stairs you were met with unfamiliar territory. Kyoko quickly pulled you into one of the empty classrooms.

"What's in the bathhouse?", She interrogated. She wasted no time jumping straight to the big questions. Backing you into a wall.

"What do you mean?", You stuttered slightly.

"You know exactly what I mean", she continued placing her arms at your sides trapping you.

"Its nothing, really" you replied giving her your best lie winning smile.

"You know you can't lie to me Y/N. What is in there? Or were you just going to be with Aoi?", She continued raising an eyebrow on her last question.

"No, no it's nothing like that", you defended holding your arms up in defense.

"Then prove it", she continued.

Quickly grabbing her face you pulled her lips to Yours. You wrapped your arms around her neck pulling her closer, her soft lips on yours were addicting, an addiction you could never quit.

She pulled away from the kiss her face slightly red.

"... Not what I meant. But I don't mind", she added averting her eyes.

"I can't tell you what's in the bathhouse... Not here", you whispered

Satisfied with you answer Kyoko removed her hands from the wall taking a step back.

Not wasting a moment you smashed your lips on kyokos pulling her close once again, you ran your hands through her long hair as her arms snaked around your lower back, closing any gap between the two of you. You bit her lip slightly which pulled a small whimper from her. The sound shocked you but it drove you crazy as you deepened the kiss. You felt her fingers dance along your spine  as if tracing each vertebrae.

The two of you pulled away for a moment for air, a string of saliva keeping you attached. Kyoko was blushing wildly as you probably were as well.

"Does that prove that you're the only one for me?", You added giving Kyoko another quick peck. Leaving her almost stunned you left the classroom to explore the new rooms. A few moments later Kyoko caught up with you, her face returned to its original colour and she wore an expressionless look on her face.

The two of you explored the third floor together, still finding no chance of escape, or anything overly special. The strange thing that really caught your attention was the massive air purifier in the physics room.
It looked like something out of a sci fi movie, but what was it doing in a school? Despite monokumas claims there's no way a student could've made that... Right? Why would they make that?

After a quick investigation you returned to the dining hall with kyoko to meet with the others.

Already there waiting for you was Aoi, who looked incredibly nervous. Makoto and Sakura quickly checked on her, after assuring everyone she was ok she made a statement.

"There's something you guys should see"

Thank you all for sticking with this story
I am trying to find more time to write but with exams soon and I'm working a lot there may be fewer chapters over the next 3 weeks

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