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You returned to the dreaded room for class trials, only a few weeks in and two people had already been murdered. Readily prepared a photo of Chihiro sat at their podium with a huge X through it, just like Sayakas and Leons.

Everyone took their place at their podium as the trial begun, everyone's lives were now on the line.

"Lets get started with where the body was discovered", Kyoko greeted getting straight into the trial.

"The girls locker room", aoi replied immediately there were a few rebuttals

"But the posters were switched" Sakura stated

"There was no blood on the carpet" Makoto added

"They have all 20 dumbbells", you continued

There were some very evident holes in this murder, something was very wrong.

"Not to mention the writing on the wall, we can't forget that", byakuya added which everyone hummed in agreement with.

"I can answer the carpet question. They switched the mats the boys locker room carpet has a blood stain on it" Taka announced

"There's something wrong with where chihiro was found, why go through all the trouble of changing the mats", Makoto continued.

You all thought for a moment,

"And Sakura said the posters were switched, we now have a boy band poster in our locker room", Yasuhiro said adding more confusion.

Why would the killer go through all that? It made no sense, switching the mats? Switching the posters. Not to mention how could a boy get into the girls locker room? And why would they leave the body like that?

"It's evident the killer went through a lot of effort for this, however they still left some holes in their 'perfect crime'", byakuya said

He was right, you brought up the point of how only the boys locker room, is missing a dumbbell and your current suspicion of the killer being a boy. Makoto then added to your point explaining how it's most likely true.

"But why would chihiro Willingly let their killer in?"aoi asked

"Maybe she thought it was a girl?"

"Maybe they planned to meet"

Toko and Sakura asked

"I believe I need to show you all something before we continue with this case" Kyoko announce before asking Monokuma to return to the locker room.

"I inspected the body and discovered something rather strange" Kyoko continued before asking someone to also inspect her body... There was a long pause it was clear no one wanted to do it until Sakura decided to step forward.

Chihiro was a boy?! He was just cross dressing this entire time and never bothered to correct anyone.

You returned to the trial room and continued debating the killer

"Now I believe the killer is also a boy, the murder never occured in the girls locker room", Kyoko continued

"But how would they get in?", Makoto asked

"I trialled it earlier, Monokuma said we couldn't borrow someone's e-handbook, he never said we couldn't use one from the deceased"she continued

"You mean-?"

"Yes Leon's handbook opened the door, meaning the killer used Sayakas"

There was shook around the room, but that stills begs the question of why did the killer move his body. To frame a girl? Or to let us continue thinking chihiro was a girl?

"Well now that we know the killer is a boy we can eliminate half the suspect's", Makoto said

"Thats not entirely true", byakuya announced adjusting his glasses

"We have not yet discussed the message written in the victims blood and I have evidence that proves your point wrong Makoto" byakuya announced before handing out images of several murder victims from the outside world.

You felt a pit in your stomach, each victim had been stabbed to the wall with several pairs of scissors, their blood was dripping to the ground below and on the wall behind them were the words "blood lust". Byakuya then explained how that killer, Genocide Jack was in the room with you, before turning to Toko, demanding an explanation.

Toko was clearly upset
"You said you wouldn't tell anyone, you promised, I CANT BELIEVE YOU LIED", she said her voice shaking and quivering.

"You have only yourself to blame, you came to me with your tragic little story, I didn't ask you to", byakuya replied harshly before demanding to talk to genocide Jack

Toko was now shaking and crying, you could see the fear in her eyes

"Toko you don't have to do this", you said gently
But she replied shaking her head harshly

"I have to. For byakuya" she continued before sneezing.

Her personality abruptly changed she was no longer quivering with fear but instead wore a psychotic smile and had pulled a pair of ornately decorated scissors.

They then explained who they were, what they've done in the past and why they didn't kill chihiro, or why they couldn't have killed chihiro and are being framed. It was as if Toko had a form of D.I.D not only did their personality changed but so did their voice, they also talked of how "when she was in control" she knows the others exists yet can't control when they switch. That explains why she passed out at the sight of blood. After the explanation Toko returned having no knowledge of what the other said.

This now put all the blame on byakuya he knew of Genocide Jack and tried to frame them, he was smart. You thought about casting your votes but hesitated for a moment, for someone about to die he seemed way too calm, he knew something we didn't.

"We can't vote. Not yet, something still isn't right" Makoto announced.

"Ah that reminds me, I saw chihiro that night" Celestia announced in her usual tone.

Everyone turned to her in shock, why didn't she bring this up earlier? Maybe she thought it'd be suspicious?

"We met in the store room, I was looking for supplies and we ran into each other. He was carrying a gym bag but quickly stuffed his jersey back into the bag. He claimed he was meeting someone and that he'd just picked up a matching jersey, they were going to work out together" she explained

"Did he say who it was?", You asked

"No. I wish I could say he did", Celestia replied with a slightly saddened look

"So you're saying whoever killed him has to have a matching blue jersey"

... Did I hear that right? Makoto quickly jumped onto mondos words

"Celestia never said the colour of the jersey... How would you know, unless you killed chihiro" Makoto argued.

Byakuya then explained how he had only... Interfered with the body, but saw mondo dump chihiros body in the girls locker room.

Unlikely Duo~Kyoko KirigiriWhere stories live. Discover now