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Without hesitating another moment Makoto entered the room and began rambling taking no notice of your presence. His eyes were glued to the ground as he paced around kyokos room.

"Slow down Makoto I don't understand a word you're saying", Kyoko interrupted snapping him to reality. As if waking up he looked around kyokos room noticing you now.

"... Hi F/N", he whispered slightly embarrassed.

You gave a slight wave to him before leaving the two to discuss whatever they needed to.

Making your way back to your room you noticed a familiar face wandering the halls, she appeared troubled. You tried to ignore her knowing this is how most people wound up dead. Following someone else at night, you did trust aoi but after the class trial it seemed everyone was slightly on edge.

Just as you were about to enter your room you heard a scream come from the bathhouse. All your suspicion and reasonable thought went out the window as you sprinted to check on your friend.

She sat on the ground as if she was trying to get away from something.

"Aoi what's wrong", you asked panicked rushing to her side.

Extending a shaky finger she pointed to the strange green glow coming from one of the lockers. Feeling a sense of danger you cautiously made your way toward the light. Upon closer inspection you saw the light was coming from a computer and image of chihiro smiling gleefully on the screen.

It saddened you a little seeing his face so soon after the trial...

"Hello", the computer chimed sounding almost identical to him, only slightly more robotic. Aoi had now got up and made her way beside you, still trembling, as she almost hid behind you still looking at the computer. You couldn't even hide your shock. What the hell was going on, he was dead.

"My name is alter ego. Chihiro made me", it chimed again smiling wider.

Now noticing the shocked and scared expressions on your faces chihiro- or alter egos smile dropped.

"I understand" it continued slight saddened now.

"If you're seeing this... Chihiros dead... Isn't he" they added

Taking your lack of response as an answer they knew it was true, their creator was dead.

"W-why are you here? Why now?" Aoi asked trying to regain her confidence.

"I- don't know.", They replied

"But I want to help" their face lit up into a smile once again. It all brought you back to the real chihiro.

The two of you weren't as close as you could have been, but now you regret that. He seemed like such a nice person, he didn't deserve what happened. No one deserved to be killed, but he was different. He was doing his best to change. To be the person he wanted to be, but it was all taken away from him.

The thought of it all nearly brought you to tears, but you did you best to keep them back.

"What should we do F/N", Aoi asked you. weren't sure it was obvious that only the ultimate programmer could create this. But why did he create this?

"Let's sleep on it for now", you told Aoi

"We gotta go. Alter ego? But we'll be back in the morning" you told them

"We can't just leave them here", Aoi interjected grabbing your arm.

"No! I have to stay here. For a while at least", alter ego added slight panic in their mechanical voice.

"In case you haven't noticed this is the only room in the building without cameras. If the mastermind knew about me, I would be destroyed", they continued.

Although you'd only known this version of chihiro for a few minutes the thought of losing him again broke your heart.

"I promise I'll be back alter ego", Aoi said holding a pinky to the computer.

"Pinky promise" she continued

Chihiros face lit up into a smile.

"Thank you guys, seriously", they said before the computer shut off. You closed the locker hiding the computer and decided that Aoi would be better off with the key.

Giving her the key you placed a hand on Aois shoulder giving her a smile, she wrapped you into a rib crushing hug. Burying her face in your shoulder. You felt the dampness of her tears on your shirt, you hugged her back doing your best to comfort her. Though she doesn't look it she clearly had swimmer muscle. Pulling away from the hug you walked Aoi back to her room.

"It'll be ok Aoi", you said as a goodbye, but you were stopped once again by her grabbing your arm.

"Thank you F/N... Most people would've turned a blind eye to my scream. But you didn't, you came to help", she smiled

"Its fine Aoi. You're my friend I couldn't just ignore it", you replied giving her one last quick hug before returning to your room.

Crawling into your bed you tossed and turned for a few a hours before falling into a restless sleep.


You awoke from what felt like the worst night of sleep of your life it was still nighttime. Maybe you were just worried about what had happened in the bathhouse a few hours earlier.

In an attempt to settle your nerves you returned to the room where alter ego was. A green glow lit up the whole room now, glowing a lot brighter than it was earlier. Though the glow wasn't coming from a computer it was a doorway.

All better judgement told you to leave, to run away but you couldn't stop your legs carried you through the glowing doorway.

On the other side was a dark room, you could barely see ahead of you. You stumbled almost blindly until you saw a figure in the distance.

"Hello?", You called out to the figure. No reply

"Who's there?" You tried again

You cautiously continued on your path towards when you were almost next to them you tripped on something. Picking up the item you discovered it was a flashlight.

Maybe there is a god. You turned on the flashlight pointing at the person.

To be met with chihiros lifeless body hanging in mid air, your heart dropped you felt sick as the blood continued to run down his face and dress. Covering your mouth with your hand you stepped away from the body slowly. Silent tears streaming down your face.

Chihiros neck suddenly snapped up his eyes staring into your soul. He opened his mouth to speak but blood simply fell from his mouth splattering onto you. With sudden control of your legs again you bolted from him, the adrenaline from the pure terror carried you As fast as you could go. But as fast as you ran it felt like it wasn't fast enough the room now lit up with a green glow, chihiros lifeless body played on every screen.

You continued running but got nowhere. Until one of your steps sent you plunging into what felt like an endless void.

Your eyes shot open as you sat up in your bed, heart beating rapidly as sweat dripped down your forehead. Your breathing was unsteady and panicked all the oxygen you took in still felt like it wasn't enough. Wiping your face you felt the dampness of your cheeks from crying.

... Just a nightmare

The sound of the bell ringing snapped you into reality.

"Good morning students, it is 7am and nighttime is officially over"

Hey y'all
I'm back :)
Sorry it's taken so long to post again and I'd just like to say how grateful I am for all the readers here.
I am currently playing danganronpa so expect more chapters soon.
Thank you all ❤️❤️❤️

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