Chapter Thirty Six

Depuis le début

Malinoë curled closer into Hades' chest. Her mind might have been somewhat hazy but she knew the person who held her in his arms.

"...That's right Mali, it's your papa. You're home," Hades said softly as he held her close. "And I promise you, that witch is never coming near you again. Your mama's going to freak when she finds out you're home, I just hope we're close enough to her arrival. I know I can show you to her over the portal but I also know she'll want to hold you in her arms like I am..."

"Lady Persephone is due back tomorrow according to the calendar," Mollie said softly as she came into the den, Ariel following her.

"Oh thank Gods, is she alright?" Ariel sighed in relief as she saw her young cousin curled up in her uncle's arms.

"I don't see any signs of injuries but...she's filthy," Hades said as he looked at his daughter. "I don't think Maleficent changed her clothes once, that's the same onesie she was in when she was..."

Hades bit his lip as he trailed off. While he was loathed to let his daughter out of his arms for even one second when he had only just gotten her back, he knew she needed attending to. Plus...he had people he had to thank.

Malinoë whimpered softly in his arms, as if trying to indicate to him that she needed to be changed.

"I know, I know sweetheart. Don't worry, we'll have you changed and bathed and all fresh in just a moment," Hades said, cooing softly before looking over at Milah and Mollie. "Would one of you two mind changing her and giving her a bath? I don't want her in this state any longer and Steph shouldn't see her like this."

"Of course Lord Hades," Mollie said, walking over to gently take Malinoë from his arms. Milah had her own young son to take care of after all and Sammy was old enough to look after herself. Plus she knew William wouldn't let anything happen to her. "Come on sweetheart. Let's get you all nice and fresh and clean and then you'll be back in your papa's arms."

Lance handed Mollie a bag of miscellaneous items as he finally realized he had helped rescue a God's child and made a mental note to smack Eugene with Rapunzel's frying pan for not telling him that bit of information. "Here...when Eugene called me and said I was going on a rescue mission, I grabbed as many things as I could. None of them are specifically for diaper rash which I suspect she has, but they should all be soothing on the skin. At the very least, they won't do any harm."

"Thank you..." Mollie said softly as she took the bags. She didn't know exactly who the strange man was but he had helped to rescue Malinoë from Maleficent's so he was clearly trustworthy. "If anything, they should help even if they're not specifically for diaper rash."

Looking down at Malinoë, she smiled softly. "Come on little one," she said and hurried off to the bathroom to get Malinoë cleaned up.

Hades watched her leave before turning back to Cassandra, Lance, and Hercules. "Thank you. All of you. You don't don't know what this means. Having my daughter back..."

"No thanks needed Lord Hades," Cassandra told hm. "It was the right thing to do."

"I'm a father myself, sir. I was only doing what I hope anyone would do in the situation," Lance said, bowing his head slightly.

Hades nodded and turned to Hercules. "Given our...history, I won't lie. I'm the most grateful for you rescuing my daughter..."

"Uncle, our history is between us," Hercules said. "Malinoë had no part in the coup of Olympus or inadvertently causing Meg's death...and I realize I have just as much to blame for that. Had she not pushed me out of the way of the column, she would have never been hurt."

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