I felt tired due today. I felt my self falling asleep. I closed my eyes letting the darkness that once take me before taking me again.

(Time skip)

I woke up due to a cop shaking me awake. "Ma'am?" he said as I slowly sat straight and saw we were at the cop station. I noticed Rosana was gone meant she was dropped off. The cop got out of the way for me to get out. 

I stepped out and stretched as the cops motioned me to follow. I stopped stretching and followed them inside. The cops brought me to a waiting room and said, "please stay here as we find a place for you to stay." 

I nodded as they left me in the waiting room. I looked around the waiting room and saw a girl across from me. She seemed like she had been through hell. "What happened to you?" I ask and the girls attention went to me. 

"Boyfriend" she says one word, but it gave me all I needed to know. She then added on "he is filing charges on me, for protecting myself from him..." 

I killed him... I grabbed a knife and stabbed him... I was just trying to protect myself... I-I am sorry... I just didn't want to be hurt again... 

I sigh and say, "are the law enforcement on your side?" "Well, they say they are but their treating me like I am the one abusing my spouse" she says. I scoff and say, "of course they do." She looked to me confused and I say, "the cops treat the true victims like criminals and the criminals like victims."

Her confusion left and she nodded in agreement with me. "You did good standing up for yourself" I say to her. "Thank you" she says with a soft smile. "If the people that are supposed to help you don't help you, help yourself" I say. 

She gave a sigh but a happy sigh "you are correct" she says. I nod and sit back into my chair. "What's your name?" she asked and I said "Y/n." "My names Lucy" she says and I say, "nice name."

"Why are you here?" she asks, and I say, "Eh it is too hard to explain." She nods and looks to the waiting rooms Tv. I looked to it as well and saw that more buildings had been destroyed. I felt bad for the innocent lives to be honest. 

Listen I may be a villain, but I am different in a way. Like how I said in the beginning that I like seeing fear in people's eyes. Well fear in the bad people's eyes. Knowing that they have done bad things and now that they are at your mercy... It just feels amazing.

"This reminds me of that villain... Uh what was his name?" she said. "Raven claws" I say to her and she says "Yea, yea him! This reminds me of him." I nod in agreement and sigh. It doesn't make sense. They killed him... They literally have a huge hole in the ground showing it.

As you see how they defeated him was sending him deep, deep into the ground. Throwing him through many layers of the earth's surface. They haven't patched the area still. 

Wait... Maybe they didn't kill him... Maybe he survived? But wouldn't they have gone down that giant hole and checked? What am I thinking! Of course, they didn't! They were scared of him before! They wouldn't have checked... They probably assumed he died since he didn't come back up...

I need to see if I am correct... I stood up from my chair and left the waiting room. I left and snuck around the cops. As I was by the entrance of the station. I saw the cops right by it. I cursed under my breath and thought for a moment. Lucy....

I sneaked back to the waiting room and walked to Lucy. "Lucy, I need your help" I say to her. She looked at me and waiting for me to continue. "I need you to distract the cops at the front door for me" I say.

"You trying to escape?" she says, and I nod. She thinks for a bit but nods and stands up. I smile at her, thankful for her help. "What do I do?" she asks, and I respond to her saying "tell them I escaped" she nods. I walk out of the waiting room me and her sneaking to the front. 

I hide behind a wall, and she leaves running to the cops. "Y/n has escaped!" Lucy shouted to the cops. The cop's eyes widen, and they rush away from the door going to the waiting room. "Thank you" I say to Lucy as I run out of the police station. I run away from the police station. Running down the sidewalk on my way to find the huge hole. 

(Time skip)

As I finally make it. I saw the whole area decayed down... I start to slowly climb down it. I got black all over my hands and shoes. I give an 'ew' look but continue down the hole.

As I finally made it down. I looked around, looking around for some sort of bones or body. Or even an outfit. I saw absolutely nothing. As I searched and searched, I heard something snap, and I turn around instantly. I walked backwards and tripped and fell down to the ground.

I groaned in annoyance standing back up. Looking at my now blackened shirt. I wiped off the blackness and then looked straight. I then saw a wall with words...

'Fallen deep I have... But I will rise again, and death will come back with me...' it was like the writing on my bedroom wall... So, it means Raven claws is alive... But what does he want from me? Why would he get rid of Angel to help me?

Questions filled my mind but the answers to my questions were far away. I sighed and looked up and saw the light was seeping away. It was getting dark. I started climbing back up from the hole. 

As I made it back up to land, I heard sirens. Damn it the cops have found me. I rushed away from the hole finding a new area to be. I don't want them to be suspicious of me. I walked down the sidewalk as I got stopped by a police car.

"Y/n! Why did you leave the police station and-... Why are you covered in black Gue..." The cop shouted at me and giving me a confused look as well. "Don't ask..." I say as I walk towards the cop car. 

I was already cop better off accept the fate. "Well, let's bring you back to the station and get you clean clothes..." the cop said. I nodded and got into the back of the cop car. I then went back into thought. If Raven claws was live... Why did he help me and what did he want... I need to find that out...

(Time skip)

I was now back in the waiting room but now there was a cop at the entrance of the waiting room. I was now in oversized clothes. White t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I was now back into thought figuring out a way to get away from the cops. 

I then looked to Lucy who was watching the Tv. I then walked towards her and sat next to her. She looked to me and said, "sorry I couldn't keep them back." "Don't worry" I say to her then add on "I think Raven Claws is alive."

Her eyes widen and she gives a confused look. "How do you know?" she asks. "I went to the place he died, and his corpse was not there and there was handwriting" I say. She looked shocked but nodded. 

I can't believe I was telling her this, but I think I can trust her. She went through like I did as a child. "Why did the heroes even let him stay alive then-" she tried to say. But the lights got cut off and the police station started to shake a lot. The cop left to see what had happened. Then a loud screech happened. And I stood up and looked around. 

Then Lucy shouted, "Look out!" I looked at her confused but looked up. The station light fell on my head knocking me out...

(Author) OMG OMG CLIFF HANGER LOL- I CANT anyways love yall platonically, TY FOR READING MWA

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