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Scarlett's POV

Four years later.

"Daddy's gonna get ya. Daddy's gonna get ya." Isaiah teases, chasing our boys around the yard. Two years ago, me and Isaiah had another baby boy called Nathan. He's a spitting image of Isaiah. "Mummy!" Lucas cheers when he sees me, running over with his arms up. I chuckle picking him up into my arms and rest him on my hip.

"How's my little bubba?" I ask making him giggle. "I'm good." He replies as I walk over to Isaiah, who wraps his arm around me. "Hi, my girl." He says, pecking my lips deeply. "Daddy!" Lucas and Nate whine. "What?" Isaiah asks looking between them. "She's our girl! Not yours!" They say, glaring at him.

I look at JJ as we both share a look and hide our chuckles. "Uhm, no. Mummy's my girl." Isaiah says firmly as Lucas wriggles in my arms and I put him down. "No daddy. She's ours." Lucas stamps his feet as I walk over to JJ, sitting down beside him.

"Mum, can I ask you something?" JJ says to me and I nod. "Of course you can, munchkin. You can always ask me anything." I tell him. "Dad's not my real dad, is he?" He asks and I frown at him. "Why'd you ask that?" I ask him. "I heard uncle Arthur talking about a man named John and how he would have loved me. Said I looked like him when he was younger." He explains and I sigh.

"Well, no, honey. Daddy's not your real dad. See, your real dad, John, was mummy's first love. And I loved him with all my heart, just like he loved me. He passed away in my arms before I found out you were even in my tummy. But if he knew, he would've loved you. Uncle Arthur's right, you're an image of him." I tell him and he looks up at me.

"I am?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. You've got his big blue eyes. And his adorable freckles. And his cheeky charm. You're your dad all over." I tell him, smiling softly. "Do you miss him?" He asks me. "Everyday, baby. And I will always love him. But Isaiah is your dad. He may not be blood like your brothers but he is your dad too. And nothing will make you any less his son. He loves you like your his." I say softly.

"Do you think dad will get upset because I'm asking about my real dad?" He questions and I shake my head. "No, of course not. He knew you were gonna ask one day and you have every right to know." I say, watching JJ sigh. "Thank you for telling me, mum." He says and I smile. "You're welcome. I think you better go help your dad or your brothers are gonna hurt him." I say.

JJ chuckles, standing up before he runs over to his brothers and starts ticking them, making them laugh. "You okay, baby?" Isaiah asks, sitting down next to me. "Yeah. He asked about John." I tell him and he nods. "You tell him about John being his dad?" He asks. "Yeah, he thought you would get upset with him for asking." I say and he frowns.

"Why would I get upset with him? He has every right to ask about John and I know he's not mine biologically but I'll always love him like my own. And I'll happily tell him stories about John." He says and I smile softly at him. "I love you." I tell him and he grins widely. "I love you, Mrs Jesus." He says, leaning forward to peck my lips.


Isaiah's POV

"They're finally asleep." I say to Letty as I walk into our bedroom, shutting the door behind us. "Yeah, well you've got Finn to blame for that. He hopped them up on sugar earlier." Letty tells me as she finishes brushing her hair and I move behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist as she places the brush down and smiles at me through the mirror.

"I can never get enough of you." I whisper in her ear, trailing kisses down her neck. The temperature in the room begins to rise as I grip her hair in my hand, pulling her hair back so I have more access to her skin. "Isaiah." She moans and in one quick movement, I spin her and lower her down on our bed.

She wraps her leg around my waist, attempting to roll me over but I pin her to the bed, continuing to leave marks across her neck, a reminder to everyone who sees them that she is mine. I pull back slightly, moving so I'm hovering over her and gently trace my thumb over her cheek until I reach her mouth, tracing it along her plump lip.

"You're so beautiful." I say softly and she smiles, wrapping her arm around my neck to pull me down. She connects our lips together, kissing me hastily. I was becoming more desperate with my touches, my large hands touching any part of my girls skin that's exposed making her whimper into my mouth. She tugs on my hair, titling her head to the side to deepen our kiss.

I push myself up slightly and start to lift her nightdress off as she raises her arms. I drop it on the floor and move down the bed, pressing kisses along her chest and stomach before I get to the place I want to be. I spread her legs, groaning at the sight of her wet cunt as I lean down to press kisses along the inside of her thighs.

"Isaiah." She whispers, her voice shaky as she moves her hand to my hair. I grab her wrist and pin it down to the bed, shushing her, signalling for her to be quiet. I'm slow with my movements, wanting to take my time in worshipping my wife, reminding her that she is mine and only I get to have her like this.

I move my lips up to her clit, wrapping my lips around it as I suck it into my mouth. I wrap my legs around her thighs bringing her closer to me as I press my tongue flat against her clit. She gasps in pleasure as I slowly move up and down making her moan. I shift my eyes to look at her, watching as her eyes drift closed, her chest moving up and down as I continue to move my tongue.

"You like the way my tongue moves around your cunt, baby?" I ask but get no verbal response as she pushes her hips move into my face making me chuckle. My large palms run across her thighs, my fingers moving close to her entrance but not giving her what she wants. The noises from Letty's lips get more louder as I improve my movements, no longer calm and collected as I taste every inch of her soaking core, moaning in appreciation of how she tastes.

"You gonna cum for me?" I ask, slightly out of breath as I move my fingers to her clit, rubbing in soft circles, enough just to keep her going but not pushing her over the edge. "I'm-" she cuts her self off, her body jerking forward as I suck on her clit, relentless with my actions now. There is no better sight than watching my girl cum, breathless and shaking, because of me and what I'm doing to her. I would never get tired of seeing it and I would get on my knees everyday, whenever she wanted if she asked.

I slowly move away and back up her body, my lips on every bit of her skin, sucking and biting wherever I can. Her legs are still wide open, ready and waiting for me to slide inside of her and bring her to ecstasy. "You're mine, Letty Jesus. You'll always be mine." I whisper before kissing her once more.

Sliding into her slowly, I grab her wrists and pin them to the bed above her. She moves her hips to meet mine, her legs wrapped around me as her moans are muffled by my lips on hers. I pick up my thrusts so they're relentless, my own orgasm starting to build up.

My fingers dig into her wrist as I trail my other hand down to her thigh, squeezing her soft skin. My movements get quicker as I push deeper inside of her making her moan loudly. I smirk as I look down at her, loving the sight of my wife underneath me. "Good girl." I mumble as I kiss her harder. "My beautiful girl." I groan.

I feel her clenching around me as her orgasm takes over, her back arching in pleasure. I breath heavily, burying my head in the crook of her neck, moaning as I my high starts to reach its peak. "Fuck." I groan into her neck, pressing a few kisses along her glistening skin. "You feel so good." I say as I slow my thrusts down, both of us breathing heavily.

"Three kids and you still want me." Letty says as she looks up at me and I smile as I look down at her. "I'll always want you, Letty Jesus. I promise." I tell her before I lean down to kiss her softly. "I love you, Isaiah." She whispers against my lips. "I love you more, Letty." I whisper back.

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