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Scarlett's POV

I lay awake, my eyes staring up at the ceiling above me as the church bells chimed twelve. Then I hear the birds beginning to sing and it was as if every sleepless day had slowly morphed into the next. I hear a rattling of keys and without question, I instantly sat up, my eyes wide with worry as my cell door creaks open. A priest walks in and I begin to shake my head as I stare at the officer.

Sunday, it must be a Sunday. The officer approaches me with a pair of hand cuffs and I growl under my breath. I know that if a priest and an officer enter your cell, it's because you're about to be hanged. I glare up at officer, threatening him with my eyes. "Up and around. Don't make my job bloody harder." The officer grumbles, glaring down at me.

I don't move as I continue to glare at him. The officer pays me no notice as he roughly yanks me to my feet. "Oh, you really are a bastard." I growl as I jam my elbow into his throat, feeling satisfied when I hear him groan and cough. "Fucking bitch." He calls me and I roll my eyes. "How original. You got any more like that under that belt of yours?" I ask, knowing I'm winding him up.

He handcuffs me tightly before he pushes me out of the door roughly making me laugh. "You can get that fucking bible basher away from me unless he wants me to shove that bible where it doesn't belong." I growl as the priest walks next to me. The officer only pushes me again. "The woman officers couldn't fucking handle you, they said. Only now do I bloody understand." He growls and I smirk proudly. "I know, I'm a handful, aren't I?" I say.

He walks me down the hall as I search for any of my family. Up in front of me, I watch a short brunette get pushed from her cell, being held by two female officers. "Aunt Pol! Pol!" I yell, my voice booming through the hallway. "Letty. Letty!" Polly yells back but the woman nudges her forward as the officer grips my arms tightly to stop me from moving.

He roughly jabs me with a wooden stick against my neck but not enough to choke me. I'm used to this as the female officers normally do this because they're too weak to fight me back. I watch as they walk Polly down a hall as I get pushed towards a set of doors. "You want to act like a man, we'll bloody hang you like one." My officer spat. "Least I'm more of a man than you are. You have to do a woman's work." I say as I get another jab in my neck.

I look back down the hallway and I see my John thrashing against the officers holding him. "John!" I yell out now starting to struggle as his eyes shoot to mine. "Letty! Letty!" He yells thrashing harder as I get pushed into a room. "I love you!" I scream out before I look up and see a single noose hanging.

"I'm fucked." I whisper to myself as I feel a tear slip down my cheek for the first time today. "Arthur! Michael!" I can hear John shout, my heart closing at the sound of his voice. I want nothing more than to be in his arms.

My hair sits messy on my shoulders as the noose gets tightened around my neck. I swallow thickly, just staring at the wall as the priest begins to chant prayers under his breath, like that's going to anything to help me. "Scar!" I could Arthur screaming for me as he shouts my name but I stay frozen as silent tears drip down my cheeks.

I watch as the officer grabs the handle to pull me off the floor and he goes to pull it but suddenly the door bursts open and someone yells. "Wait!" A Warren screams as they run into the room, a piece of paper being held in the air. He hands the paper over before he rushes towards me. He loosens the noose from around my neck and helps me to the ground.

He leads me out of the room where I see Michael, Arthur and John being led from next door. Without a thought, I make a run, jumping into Johns arms as he catches me. Both of us sobbing as we hold each other tightly. "I love you. I love you." We both say to each other. "You are never going near Thomas until the day I bloody die. Never. You're mine." John growls, struggling to catch his breath.

"Let's get fucking out of here, eh?" Arthur suggest as John puts me down. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as Arthur grabs my hand and the four of us hastily walking out of the prison as the warrens direct us.

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