You Used Me.

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Johns POV

I lay back on my bed, watching Letty as she straightens her dress. It's a really gorgeous dress that hugs her body, reaching down to mid thigh. It's off the shoulder, black with feathers at the bottom, surrounding her thigh split. "You look amazing, baby. Really fucking sexy." I compliment, biting my lip as I rub my eyes over her.

Letty laughs, looking over her and winks at me cheekily. "I am so not used to wearing this sort of stuff. I miss my Peaky cap." She grins, fixing her dress in the mirror. "You look good in that cap." I smirk as she shakes her head. She's also wearing a bit of makeup making her look more dolled up than usual.

She walks over to the bed, sitting down on the edge to put her black heels on. I sit up, brushing her hair aside to press kisses to her neck. She sighs softly, tilting her head more for me. "You look beautiful." I whisper in her ear and she smiles. "Thank you. You look very handsome." She says and I grin as we stare into each other's eyes.


Me and Letty walk around the corner, my arms out as I grin. I see Arthur stepping out of the van as we join him and walk to where the rest of the Peaky Blinders are. He jumps onto a wooden bench, looking around at everyone. "Attention!" He says in a sing-song voice. "Right, this is what's known as your final briefing before going over the top." He says as two lads place a wooden box in front of him.

"Sixty miles down that road is the Cheltenham race track." He points. "Johnny, what's our mission, boy?" He asks me. "To stick it to the Lee family, Arthuuuur!" I shout leaning back before I wink at Letty who chuckles. "That's right." Arthur smiles. "The Lees are skimming money off the legal bookies. Running chalk, selling raffles, then beating them as they won't buy. But today, we're going to stop them."

"What about Kimber's men? I thought he had his own protection." I say. "Kimber has let his troops go rotten. They're on the take from the Lees to look the other way. We're gonna show Kimber how it's done." Arthur informs. "Now, take what you're good at." He points at the box of weapons.

Everyone starts to take a weapon except for Letty and Finn. "So when do we share out the cash?" I ask. "We don't. We're not keeping the cash-" Arthur starts. "What's the point then?" I exclaim. "You're in Tommys army now boys." Arthur says and Letty rolls her eyes. "Trust only kin, boys." She adds and all the men nod. "Let's go." Arthur says.

I help Letty into the van before lifting Finn up, who automatically sits beside her and I sit on her other side. "Finn, behave today, okay?" Letty tells him and he looks up at her. "Okay, sis." He grins cheekily at her making her chuckle.


Tommys POV

I look around spotting the Lee boys, who are already making trouble, making me shake my head. I sigh before I see Arthur walk in followed by Letty and John. My breath cuts short when I see what Letty is wearing. She looks fucking amazing. I'm not used to seeing her looking like this but it's a not a bad sight.

"Can we dance?" Grace asks me as I watch John whisper something to Letty and she nods, walking over to the bar. "Sure." I say simply to Grace as I lead her to the dance floor. We start dancing slowly as Letty leans back against the bar, drinking whiskey when she catches my eye. She looks at Grace and her face drops in anger.

I quickly part from Grace, telling her to grab some drinks for us from the bar behind us before I make my way over to Letty. "Why ain't you with John? You're supposed to be with him. Kimber-" I start to say before she cuts me off as she laughs. "Not even a hello or a 'you look beautiful, Letts'." She says as I sigh, brushing her hair away from her face. "You look amazing, love. Just go find John and help him with the Lee boys." I tell her.

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